Thank you for all of your advice.
Although I am pretty sure that I am called to marriage, my discernment is not complete, and I know that I could be mistaken. But even if I am not called to marriage, I want to know that for sure and not worry that I’m avoiding marriage because of my fear. It’s good to know that fear of marriage is at least somewhat normal.
There currently isn’t a Mr. Right in my life, but an experience I’ve had with trying to really love a certain man (in response to what I believe was God’s call–the whole situation is a long story) has shown me that my heart loves better when I concentrate my love primarily on one man.
Thank you especially to Malia for sharing your own experiences and offering some practical advice. I’ve been very fortunate that my spiritual director has really helped me grow as a person and overcome many of the tendencies that I learned from my parents. He’s probably saved me the equivalent of years of therapy.

As I recognize more issues, I will probably address them with him or with a counselor.
I encourage you to continue seeking God’s will, take each day as it comes, ask God to show you what you need to be doing. A good, quick read about looking for a good husband is The ABC’s of Choosing a Good Husband. The right husband will bless you. Marry in haste, repent at leisure - good or bad! Pray that God will help you make a marriage that is pleasing to Him, if that is God’s will for you. At one of Mary’s apparitions she said that many were making marriages that were displeasing to God. So, pray, pray, pray!
After almost 20 years of marriage and 9 children - marriage is the most wonderful thing and hardest as well.
As a Catholic, marriage is a blessing in good and bad. I have grown so much as a person spiritually and in maturity. One excellent book to “chew” on is Kimberly Hahn’s Life Giving Love . You will never be the same after reading it. Marriage approached in a Godly Catholic way acts like water on rocks at the bottom of a stream. It smooths us and tumbles away our rough edges. We die to ourselves. learning to put situations and someone else in God’s hands, etc. We develop patience, putting someone else’s needs first, learning to listen, speak with love, etc. Marriage is ultimately about helping each other as a team to get both of you to Heaven:thumbsup:
I used to spend time wearing nice clothes, jewelry, nice shoes, and my goal was - more money! So, that’s what I prayed for, lots! Then God convicted me, asking me what He said a blessing was, and it was - children! So, with my hand spiritually lifted (and shaking), and my eyes closed (of course), I told God that I would have as many children as He wanted me to have. But, I begged Him to please make it verrrrry obvious, because I didn’t want to have more than necessary (how silly of me

) So, children began to come along, and it was hard! I couldn’t wear my nice clothes - they were spat up upon - and I couldn’t wear my jewelry, they were broken by little hands, -okay, no laughing here! and, well, being a stay-at-home mom didn’t really bring in the big bucks! But, today, I love who God has made me so much more! I die to myself continuously, learn patience - even when holding a little one most the night. But I’ve also had the joy of holding my babies in my arms for the first time, a feeling that nothing in this world even compares to the joy and love it brings you. You realize you would die for someone, like Jesus asks us to do for a friend - no greater love- and that this is sooo much better than getting a new house, or new car, or even new furniture.
Pray the Our Father aloud with your baby while changing their diapers or offer this up for their eternal salvation. Jesus said the sheep will go to Heaven because they gave food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, clothed the naked, etc. - something that we as parents are blest and priviledged to do every day (especially when you have a little toddler that has learned to take off their clothes and is running around the house au natural

). It used to be hard for me as I looked out the window as the neighborhood women drove off to work in their nice cars and clothes, but the internal peace and joy that I have, I wouldn’t trade it for anything

Talk with other Catholic Mom’s for advice, especially those with grown children who take their Faith seriously and have kept their children Catholic as well. They will give you great help
So, may God bless you and show you which path that He would have you go on. Rejoice! This is an exciting time in your life. Just pray it through carefully, and don’t jump into anything too hastily
All!! of God’s plans for you are good, no matter how hard they seem at times