Terri's Gravestone - Michael's Parting Jab

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And still some people will say that she “really did depart the earth cause she wasn’t there”. These people obviously have never seen the video footage of her responding to her family, to music, to the nurses. People who “aren’t there” don’t do that.

I even saw that self-proclaimed “psychic” Sylvia Brown say that “Oh she was really more in the next life than in this one. People NEVER are aware when they are in her state.” Bull. There have been people diagnosed with PVS who have recovered and will now tell you that they were aware THE WHOLE TIME. I don’t think most people know how deep this case goes and how many people were involved and bought off by the husband. Even her care center was run by his lawyer!!

I wouldn’t be one bit shocked if it came to light that he had somehow bribed the person who did her autopsy, either.
People used to tell me that “oh, Michael had nothing to do with her injury…he’s just a loving husband, it was her bulimia” Again, Bull. They didn’t find out what caused the condition, but they do know it WASN’T bulimia.

He’s still the #1 suspect in my book. When he says, “I kept my promise” I think he means that he promised to kill her one way or another.
Oh, Good God! :crying: And on her *gravestone *too! :crying: This man disgusts me! :crying:

Michael :tsktsk:

Poor, poor Terri :nope:
It is almost identical to Nancy Cruzan’s gravestone. She died in 1991 from court ordered starvation and dehydration after her parents petitioned the Missouri court system to allow her feeding tube removed.
Yes it is ALL about Michael:mad: He has cheerleaders on the Hannity forum that would canonise him if they had the authority to do so:banghead:
You know, I never thought of that, but it is true.

The whole thing, even the gravestone, is about HIM. He doesn’t mention anything else about her life except her birth, the “accident”:rolleyes: and her death. The rest is all about him - no mention of her other family members or friends, nor any of her virtues.

Well, he sure has a preoccupation with himself, doesn’t he.

I was once told by a history teacher that, although our society revolves around thinking that people who commit crimes have “low self-esteem” and that “high self-esteem” is SO important, all the worst dictators and tyrants in history had an accessively HIGH self-esteem. They practically thought they were God, if they didn’t outright.😛

I’m not saying self-esteem doesn’t have a place, but you have to admit that the most messed up amongst us seem to think themselves to be pretty great.

She was A CHRISTIAN, for crying out loud. Even the most non-religious Christians I know would have wanted SOMETHING about heaven or Jesus or God on thier tombstone! If he was truly concerned with what “she” wanted, why didn’t he think of that??
It’s one thing to try to justify your actions, it’s another to do it on your wife’s gravestone!!!

I think Michael was in it for the insurance $$$ money. I hope all he gets is :twocents: .
It’s one thing to try to justify your actions, it’s another to do it on your wife’s gravestone!!!

I think Michael was in it for the insurance $$$ money. I hope all he gets is :twocents: .
I’m not sure it was the money…he spent most of that on lawyers to have her killed. I just think he wanted her dead. I’m still not convinced he didn’t PUT her in that condition to begin with, and he must’ve known somewhere in the back of his mind that there was a slight chance she could recover and tell all.

Why else would he refuse her treatments? Why else would he let her rot in a hospice run by HIS lawyer, living off our tax money, while he spent her money on lawyers to allow him to kill her?
Michael is a pawn of the powers and principalities that have orchestrated the culture of death from square one. Luckily, I am sure that Terri will have a proper memorial thanks to her parents. I know it will not be her gravestone, but it will be much more important. How many people will ever visit her gravesite anyway? Terri’s real legacy is written in our hearts. Those of us who watched and prayed, waited and worried, pleaded and protested. We will never forget. And what is written in all of us about Terri is something her ex-husband will, unfortunately, probably never understand. 😦 And it is infinitely more precious than the stone he wrote those sads words on.
I even saw that self-proclaimed “psychic” Sylvia Brown say that “Oh she was really more in the next life than in this one. People NEVER are aware when they are in her state.”
Oh my goodness. This reminded me of a conversation with my son’s Catholic pre-school teacher, teacher’s aid and another mother. (my kids only went to pre-school there) The other mother was having some health problems. And there had been some other problems in her family. They were seeking some comfort and the subject of psychics came up. When I said that we should be wary of such things, they looked at me like I was crazy! After all, Sylvia is so “spiritual”. :bigyikes: There couldn’t possibly be anything wrong with her. I couldn’t believe my ears. We really need to start educating our educators. And people wonder why I don’t send my kids to the Catholic school. :confused:
Sylvia looks to me more like an old drunk than anything else. She’s the only person I know who can sit and seriously say that there are such things as unicorns and fairies and gnomes, and have people clap for her.

She doesn’t know anything about Terri. If she had even seen Terri’s website, she would know more than she supposedly knows by her “psychic powers.” I’ve got 3 words for Ms. Brown.

False Prophet. Witch.
I guess if the goal was to give relatives the proverbial finger, like the article suggests, then it worked.

It should bother Terry I don’t figure, based on discussions we’ve had on other threads.

May the Lord see and avenge. (2 Chronicles 24:22)

“God desireth not the death of a SINNER, but that he should TURN from his wickedness and LIVE!”

At this time, we need to pray for Michael’s REPENTENCE and CONVERSION. I don’t think very many of us have any concept what’s waiting for him if he doesn’t. A few of the Saints who’ve visited where he seems to be going will tell you that it is a horrible place, and that we don’t want even someone who’s done the evil he has done to go there.

Don’t you think the Schindlers would rather have Michael say that he was sorry and that what he did to their daughter was wrong?

That’s one of the things his REPENTENCE would give them.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
Oh my goodness. This reminded me of a conversation with my son’s Catholic pre-school teacher, teacher’s aid and another mother. (my kids only went to pre-school there) The other mother was having some health problems. And there had been some other problems in her family. They were seeking some comfort and the subject of psychics came up. When I said that we should be wary of such things, they looked at me like I was crazy! After all, Sylvia is so “spiritual”. :bigyikes: There couldn’t possibly be anything wrong with her. I couldn’t believe my ears. We really need to start educating our educators. And people wonder why I don’t send my kids to the Catholic school. :confused:

My mother was like Sylvia Brown but without the money and the prestige. I understand there were a lot like her, and that, if someone was close enough to Hollywood, they could get a lot of fame.

I took a lot for me to avoid indulging in her “arts” myself. When I feel prey to them, I left the Church pretty shortly thereafter.

Since I’ve returned, I don’t even look at the Horoscope section in the newspaper. I can’t afford to.

There’ a reason the Torah called “Witchcraft” and all of those things "Abominations and said, “You shall not suffer a witch to live.” This stuff is amoral at best and leaves one open to the influences of the supernatural without divine protection. This is not a good situation.

You did the right thing removing your kids from that school. I’m sorry that no one seemed to be telling the other parents what you said in your letter, or what I just said here.

A few good questions to ask: What does the “Psychic” believe concerning Jesus Christ and His Church? What causes do this “psychic” espouse? Where does he stand on issues such as Abortion, Fetal Stem Cell Reserch, Human Cloning, Same Sex Marriage and Euthanasia? Do his predictions consitently come true? What kind of life does this "psychic"lead, and what kind of “techniques” is this “psychic” using?

I think you will find that a very small number of “Psychics” will actually be using a gift of PROPHECY, and they will bring people to repentence and to increased faith in Jesus Christ.

The rest shouldn’t even be listened to. esp. after you discerned they are NOT from God but from Satan or from themselves.

May Terri be resting in the arms of God, Michael
Yes it is ALL about Michael:mad: He has cheerleaders on the Hannity forum that would canonise him if they had the authority to do so:banghead:
:bigyikes: :bigyikes: :bigyikes:
Traditional Ang:
I think you will find that a very small number of “Psychics” will actually be using a gift of PROPHECY, and they will bring people to repentence and to increased faith in Jesus Christ.
That’s what I fancy myself on the way to becoming. 😉

I don’t know that my so-called “prophecy” is anything supernatural, though, but just a heightened awareness of my peripheral consciousness which requires subjecting the focused mind to the much greater processing abilities of peripheral consciousness. Therefore, it’s more something to work for rather than a condition a person has, to have these capabilities IMO.

Then of course I suppose I tend to be a bit of a reductionist wherever possible. It was fitting that I became an engineer because I used to take perfectly good things apart to see how they worked, thus often ending their useful life.

Whatever the excuse, as you can see I love to take the chance to talk about my favorite subjects: me, myself, and I. 😃

You see, now that I’ve focused on myself instead of Michael, I’ll make one other claim about my “strategy” as it were. My pride and my waistline share the common characteristic that I keep them right out there where I can keep an eye on them! 😛

Sylvia looks to me more like an old drunk than anything else. She’s the only person I know who can sit and seriously say that there are such things as unicorns and fairies and gnomes, and have people clap for her.

She doesn’t know anything about Terri. If she had even seen Terri’s website, she would know more than she supposedly knows by her “psychic powers.” I’ve got 3 words for Ms. Brown.

False Prophet. Witch.
I agree with you 100%. How people can watch and listen to her, and believe all the bull she says, is beyond me. I would put her in the same catagory as the “Pet Psychic”. They are nothing but extremely skilled con artists. As far as Michael goes, he is the scum of the earth, and hopefully the full truth will come out someday.
Ever notice how she always tells people who ask her what they are going to do financially that they are going to go into real estate? Ever notice how she always tells people that dead relatives “communicate” by bringing birds around people’s yards. Wow, I must have a ton of dead relatives who want to say something to me, or maybe they are just eating my grass!

May Terri rest in peace. I pray that Michael turns from his evil evil ways, but if he doesn’t I’m glad that God is just.
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