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Have you contacted your members of the U.S. House and Senate demanding them to protect Terri from being Euthanized??


Have you contacted your family members, friends, priests, fellow parishoners, deacons and others yet?
Thanks for this PLAL.
I have not written to Congress yet. But will. So far, I have written to Terri’s bishop, I have signed the petition to impeach Judge Greer, I have voted on the MSNBC Feeding tube poll, I have posted the relevant links to other discussion boards, and emailed Catholics whom I know.

Let’s keep posting to this thread and the other Terri Schiavo threads to keep them high up on the first page of the thread list. That way people can see them easily and we can get more people to write, sign, vote, and spread the word.
Ani Ibi:
Thanks for this PLAL.
I have not written to Congress yet. But will. So far, I have written to Terri’s bishop, I have signed the petition to impeach Judge Greer, I have voted on the MSNBC Feeding tube poll, I have posted the relevant links to other discussion boards, and emailed Catholics whom I know.

Let’s keep posting to this thread and the other Terri Schiavo threads to keep them high up on the first page of the thread list. That way people can see them easily and we can get more people to write, sign, vote, and spread the word.
Thanks, I am posting the topic on different websites all over. We need to encourage prayer, fasting & adoration.
Help Tell the Truth about Terri Schiavo!

The truth is finally coming out about Theresa Marie Schindler-Schiavo, despite continued distortion and misinformation from the mainstream media. You can help spread the truth about Terri Schiavo’s real condition and the many troubling circumstances surrounding her 15-year ordeal.

What You Can Do To Help Save Terri

Time has almost run out for Terri Schiavo. She is starving at this very moment. Her husband will not even allow her mother to wet her lips with an ice cube. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Myths and Truths about Terri Schiavo

    Many Americans cannot understand why are the pro-life community is fighting so hard to save the life of Theresa Marie Schindler-Schiavo. They cannot understand, because they have bought a host of myths about Terri Schiavo:

    MYTH: Terri Schiavo is in a coma or “persistent vegetative state.” The truth is that Terri, though severely disabled is conscious, responds to her family, takes delight in music, laughs and even speaks some words. MYTH: It is Terri’s wish to be put to death under these circumstances. The truth is that we have only the claim of Terri’s husband, Michael Schiavo, many years after she became disabled, that she would rather to starve to death than live with her disability. MYTH: Michael Schiavo is only doing what’s best for his wife. The truth is that Michael Schiavo has abandoned his wife for another woman, has denied her basic medical care and therapy, and will not even allow her to have any fresh air. MYTH: It is cruel to force Terri to lead a meaningless life of suffering. The truth is that it’s cruel to impose a painful death by starvation and dehydration, after years of being denied therapy by her husband—the therapy her loving family has pledge to give her. Leaflet Downtown Chicago 3/23

    On Wednesday, March 23, we will be out on the streets of downtown Chicago passing out thousands of leaflets dispelling the many myths about Terri. Join us:

    7:30-9:00 East of Union and Ogilvie Stations Madison St. and Wacker Dr. Map 10:00-11:30 The Wrigley Building Meet outside the Wrigley Building, 410 N. Michigan Ave. Map ----------------------------------------------------------------



    Life in the Balance
    Frank Pavone
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Have you contacted your members of the U.S. House and Senate demanding them to protect Terri from being Euthanized??
I hate to break this to you but you are contacting the wrong people. There really isn’t much the US Congress can do about the situation. Federalism.
under the constitution congress has more power than the courts, but hey we havent followed that document in at least 70 years since 1933 war powers act, and 1935 financial restoration act.
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