Hello, I felt called to attend a small presentation on secular orders at my local parish recently where people from four different orders (Benedictines, Discalced Carmelites, Secular Franciscans, and Dominicans) gave presentations on their history and daily life, of the four I felt a pull to the Benedictines and the Dominicans; obviously I know I can choose only one.
For the Benedictines “ora et labora” seems a fantastic code to live by, and I must say I feel a certain pull towards their medal; I do not know why.
For the Dominicans; from their website on their four pillars (study in particular):
The prayer aspects of both are the same, and I can (like anyone I guess) always use more prayer in my daily life…lately I feel I’ve been slipping into the rut of being a Sunday only Christian.
If it helps anyone give me some helpful info I’m a super busy father of four young children willing to make the time to become a better follower of Christ.
Sorry if this rambled a bit!
For the Benedictines “ora et labora” seems a fantastic code to live by, and I must say I feel a certain pull towards their medal; I do not know why.
For the Dominicans; from their website on their four pillars (study in particular):
To discern if you are called to become a Dominican, consider whether the following things describe you: you love to study and are a motivated learner; you long to read more and know more about the life of Christ and the Church, and you cannot contain your desire to share the fruits of your study with others; you prefer good literature that contains universal truths; you appreciate the many avenues through which truth can be taught, whether it be literature, science, theater, or visual art.
This describes me to a “t”!If these items describe you, then you might prayerfully consider whether Christ is calling you to enter more fully into your life of faith through the Fraternities of St. Dominic.
The prayer aspects of both are the same, and I can (like anyone I guess) always use more prayer in my daily life…lately I feel I’ve been slipping into the rut of being a Sunday only Christian.

If it helps anyone give me some helpful info I’m a super busy father of four young children willing to make the time to become a better follower of Christ.
Sorry if this rambled a bit!