I have posted here before about this, but I had a different sort of question. I have a huge amount of student debt, and am still in school. I have felt called to monastic life, but have only briefly visited communities and never really asked but just assumed that you cannot try or test a vocation with debt that would automatically disqualify one from entering. I am at a crossroads and do not know if I will continue in the world on my current path in school, academia after that etc, or if I really do have a calling to monastic life. I would be willing to take a long leave of absence from school even a year. Does anyone here know if many communities will allow someone to come and discern and even stay for an extended time as a postulant if there is an obstace to entering if the call is genuine. I ask because student debt is an obstacle but not a lifelong insurmountable one, like being married with ten children or terminally ill etc. on the other hand what if I could enter the novitiate and am told flat out after a while that I have no vocation and to return to the world, but then I have nowhere to go, and I cannot return to school because my place has been given away as it will be after a year unenrolled.
on a related note has anyone had dealings with the labore society or mater ecclesia? I was wondering how this works with communities. It seems to be a catch 22 of sorts when one needs to be already accepted by a community to recieve aid from them, but one cannot be accepted by a community with the debt still in place. I am just confused because this implies that some places will allow one to test their vocation all the way up to the point of entering the novitiate even with the knowledge of a temporarily disqualifying obstacle. can anyone shed light on this?
on a related note has anyone had dealings with the labore society or mater ecclesia? I was wondering how this works with communities. It seems to be a catch 22 of sorts when one needs to be already accepted by a community to recieve aid from them, but one cannot be accepted by a community with the debt still in place. I am just confused because this implies that some places will allow one to test their vocation all the way up to the point of entering the novitiate even with the knowledge of a temporarily disqualifying obstacle. can anyone shed light on this?