Thank God

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This thread is for people to express their gratitude to God for absolutely anything.

Right now I would like to thank God for the steak and chips I had for lunch, it tasted great. The warm beer wasn’t bad either. I would also like to thank God for the music of Dream Theater. I marvel at the talent that God has given to those men, and I also thank God for the gift of being able to appreciate music.
I thank God for all the blessings and gifts he has ever bestowed on me.
I thank God everyday for my beautiful baby girl.
I don’t know how I ever made it without her.
I don’t know how I would have gotten allong lately if I didn’t have her. She keeps me going.
I would also like to thank God for my CCC and for CAF. These have helped me a great deal spiritually.
"I thank Thee Lord, for many things which Thou hast given me;

** my breath, that waketh me each day,**
** mine eyes, that I can see.**

** I thank Thee for mine ears, O Lord, **
** that I may hear Thine Earth,**

** And for my mouth to bring Thee praise in jubilee and mirth.**

** I thank Thee for my hands O Lord, that they may rise in prayer,**
** And for my knees, that they may kneel in humble love and care.**

** I thank Thee for my legs and feet upon Thy holy ground,**
** And for my head to rise in doubt, when hardships bring me down.**

** I thank Thee Lord, for Mama Mary, loving us each day,**
** And Thine own infant, Jesus Christ, who shewed to us Thy Way.**

** I thank Thee Lord, that Love can fill this little heart of mine,**
** But most of all, I thank Thee that forever, I am Thine.**

** Amen."**

A poem, by me 😉
I thank God for my kids, and for His patience and mercy…
…I’m working on it but I’m not who He wants me to be yet.
I thank God that my children are safe in their beds when I come home after attending at a fiery car crash that claims the life of young people, or after watching at the staging area of an avalanche as seven bodies of teenagers are removed to the makeshift morgue.

I pray for all their souls, and I give grateful thanks to God for keeping my children from harm.
I thank God for His mother.
I thank God for the holy rosary.

I thank God for being able still to walk, to see, to visit a washroom without aid (for there are those who cannot).
I thank God that I can leave my aprtment and go out when I wish (for there are those who cannot).
I thank God that my family love me, and I them (for there are those who lack the love of their family).

Praise be to God for the holy Mass.
Praise be to God for giving us the power to praise Him, the power to return the love He gives us.
I thank God for my children, my grandchildren, for my health, for all the gifts that he has given me. HE IS TRULY A WONDERFUL GOD WHO LOVES US ALL!
I’m going to go straight for the simple things. I thank God for my cats, books (I’m a lit geek), hot cocoa because it’s getting cold, and the fact that summer is finally over. 🙂
I thank God today for the wonderful husband I have. He’s so caring, so concerned, and a wonderful father to his son and his two older stepsons!

And he can COOK! 👍
Heavenly Father, I thank You for my wonderful family. I thank You for the roof over our head and the food on our table. Amen.
Thank God for keeping me away from a drink or a drug for another day, and thanks for everything in my life that is made possible by that.
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