In the United States, we are celebrating labor day, a day in which we honor the common worker.
I have developed a tradition of honoring the most devoted and loyal workers (who are usually forgotten) on this day, namely mothers.
Thank you all Mothers for:
I have developed a tradition of honoring the most devoted and loyal workers (who are usually forgotten) on this day, namely mothers.
Thank you all Mothers for:
- suffering through pregnancy to nuture us and let us grow in a safe environment.
- suffering during labor to let us be born.
- taking care of us when we cannot take care of ourselves.
- making thousands of meals.
- washing thousands of clothes.
- cleaning thousands of room.
- transporting us to where we needed to go.
- helping us learn how to live.
- being there for us.
- putting up with our bad behaviors.
- sacrificing for us.
- and much much more.