Thank You to all Mothers

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In the United States, we are celebrating labor day, a day in which we honor the common worker.

I have developed a tradition of honoring the most devoted and loyal workers (who are usually forgotten) on this day, namely mothers.

Thank you all Mothers for:
  • suffering through pregnancy to nuture us and let us grow in a safe environment.
  • suffering during labor to let us be born.
  • taking care of us when we cannot take care of ourselves.
  • making thousands of meals.
  • washing thousands of clothes.
  • cleaning thousands of room.
  • transporting us to where we needed to go.
  • helping us learn how to live.
  • being there for us.
  • putting up with our bad behaviors.
  • sacrificing for us.
  • and much much more.
:gopray2: Dear God, may You bless each mothers abundantly on this day and fill their lives with joy. May their children all treat them with the deepest respect and love. May society grow to appreciate the value of motherhood. :gopray2:
Thanks for this beautiful reflection…how often did I not appreciate the things my mother did till I became a mother… :amen:
Thank you Thomas…Thank you so much.

I did not see this until today, but it touched me deeply.

🙂 Lilder
Mother of one…for now
Thomas, you make me want to thank all children who grow up to be the person their parents were striving to raise.

For all the kids who listened and learned – even when it wasn’t fun.

For the kids who could find flowers and remember to bring some home to mom.

For the kids who actually told a friend that they wouldn’t do something wrong.

For the kids who really did develop character traits and strong moral convictions.

For the kids who never wanted to grow up and move away from home.

For the kids who think their mom makes the best cookies.:tiphat:

For the kids who make us wonder if the teacher is really talking about our kid during the conferences.:blessyou:

For kids who behave --even when mom isn’t looking. :love:

For the kids who want an extra hug every morning before leaving for school

For the kids who grow up and do make their moms proud.

Thank you for making all the sacrifices worthwhile.
Stobie, Thank you so much for your appreciation of mothers and for being so kind to post this. I noticed too that we are neighbors thought that was pretty neat. I put KS City on my post but it is really Olathe
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