Thank you to everyone who has helped me on my journey as a Christian

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Before CAF disappears forever, I wanted to thank everyone on here who has helped me on my journey as a Christian. I have enjoyed discussions with far too many of you to be able to thank you all individually, and I probably can’t remember everyone who has ever made a useful contribution. I do always try to say thank you to people at the time, so hopefully I have already expressed my gratitude at one time or another.

There are a few people I’d really like to thank individually. In a way it seems unfair to do so, as I’ll inevitably forget to mention somebody I really ought to be mentioning by name, but it also seems unfair not to take this opportunity to thank a few people whose contributions particularly stand out.

@TheLittleLady I don’t think that we have had a lot of direct exchanges on here, but I have often read your posts on many different threads, and you are consistently one of the kindest, most balanced, and most knowledgeable people contributing here.

@HomeschoolDad You have provided me with a useful lesson in contradictions. You manage to be absolutely faithful to the teachings of the Church while also being extremely thoughtful and questioning. You manage to hold very conservative views on some topics while also holding (to me) surprisingly left-wing and progressive views on other topics. I especially appreciated your comments about race relations in the United States. I think it’s also obvious that you must be a great dad!

@Tis_Bearself I’m sure that I’ve tested your patience many times, but I’d like you to know that I have genuinely appreciated many of your responses. I can assure you that it has never been my intention to be annoying! One thing we do have in common: :woman:t3: ❤️ 🐈

@Pattylt Like you, I am curious and always trying to understand people. I have enjoyed our discussions and many of your other posts on here.
@EmilyAlexandra, Thank you for the kind words. I have enjoyed your probing questions and refusal to accept answers that don’t address the question! 😅

I wish you well on your journey where ever you land. Once there, you should be assured that you gave it your full investigation! I hope you find peace.
Thank you. Somewhat on topic: if you have Netflix, I am guessing that you have almost certainly seen Unorthodox, but have you seen One of Us? I watched it last night. It follows a number of people who have left a Hasidic community. It didn’t exactly portray the Hasidic community in a good light, but I felt that it was pretty even-handed. There’s also an interesting series called Breaking the Silence, which is available free on YouTube (seemingly with the maker’s permission). It’s about an Old Order Amish family who left the Amish community. I may post about it in the main forum as I think others would find this interesting.
I’ve seen Unorthodox and you’re the second person to recommend One of Us so I’ll have to watch that, too. Hasids kind of drive me nuts but no more so than any really fundamentalist group. Most other Jews consider them Meshugganah! Thanks for the recommend on Breaking the Silence. All these shows are the kinds I tend to enjoy…the peek inside their world.

In Unorthodox, the only scene that surprised me was her first Mikva bath being before her wedding. Our community has our first Mikva after our first menstruation. No other surprises other than that! 😂.
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