St. Dymphna–patron of emotional and nervous disorders–
lovely prayer card picture on the website:
do a google and read about her life!
In Nervous or Emotional Distress
I turn to you, dear virgin and martyr, confident of your power with God and of your willingness to take my cause into your hands. I praise and bless the Lord for giving you to us as patron of the nervous and emotionally disturbed. I firmly hope that through your kind intercession He will restore my lost serenity and peace of mind. May He speak to my heart and reassure me: “My peace I give you. Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid.”
Pray for me, dear St. Dymphna, that my nervous and emotional turmoil may cease, and that I may again know serenity and personal peace.
In Physical Illness
I appeal to you in my illness, dear St. Dymphna. I would be so grateful for a total and happy recovery, for the blessed gift of health in every fiber of my being.
May the Lord Jesus, who mercifully healed the sick during His earthly days, have pity on me and make me well again. Ask Him to command sickness to depart and grant me a full measure of health, that I may rejoice in giving Him glory and praise.
For a Strong Faith
To you, dear St. Dymphna, who have completed your pilgrimage of faith and now dwell with the Lord forever, I appeal for the blessing of a strong and mature faith. May I preserve in my baptismal promises to Christ, no matter what the cost. May I conduct myself now and always as a true believer in the eternal truths God has revealed.
Help me always with your prayers as I walk in faith toward the reward promised to those who, without having seen Christ, yet love Him and believe in Him.
For Relatives and Friends
I humbly request you, dear virgin and martyr Dymphna, to take under your protection all who are bound to me by ties of blood or friendship. May all the lives which touch mine experience the blessings God is pleased to grant through your intercession.
I now commend to your prayers all the intentions of all my relatives and friends. Remember also those persons who have asked me to pray for them. Pray especially for the lonely and forsaken who have no one to pray for them.
Thank you, dear St. Dymphna, for remembering us all before our God and Savior.
For Priests
You revered your priestly guide as God’s minister and faithfully followed his counsels. From his hands you received the Body of Christ; from his presence, strength and moral support.
Please pray for the priests dear to me, the priests who have helped me, the priests in this country and in the whole world. May they serve God generously and overcome all the obstacles that face them. May they always be loyal dispensers of the mysteries of God.
For Fellowship with the Saints
Devotion to you, dear St. Dymphna, brings me closer to Christ. May it lead me still closer to Him.
The Church wishes us to seek from God’s saints example in their way of life, fellowship in their communion, and aid by their intercession. May my devotion to all the saints enrich my worship of God the Father, through Christ, in Union with the Holy Spirit.
O lovable St. Dymphna, you are deeply interested in my final reunion with God abd His saints. Pray for me that I may truly honor them during life and enjoy their companionship in our heavenly homeland forever.
For Any Special Need
Glorious St. Dymphna, you are the patron of the nervous and emotionally disturbed. I am certain, however, that your charity embraces everyone. I am certain that you lend a listening ear to any prayer offered for any special need.
You will, I am sure, take my problem to heart and pray for me that it may be happily settled. (Here mention your special problem or difficulty.) You will plead for me and obtain the help I need. Already I offer you my sincere and grateful thanks, so great is my confidence that God will hear and answer your prayers.
St. Dymphna, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, patron of nervous and emotional illnesses, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, crowned for the glory in heaven, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, faithful to your covenant with Christ, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, precious in the eyes of the Lord, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, our helper in every need, pray for us.
St. Dymphna, our friend at heave’s court, pray for us.