This is actually something I’ve thought about quite a bit. I probably won’t be able to put my thoughts into words very well, but maybe I’ll get my point across. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that many protestant churches haven’t been around that long. They have a different focus, a different attitude toward what a church should be. A Catholic church is there to provide a place for people to worship the Lord and receive the body and blood of the Lord. Many protestant churches are there to provide a place to worship, but also a place to take your kids to daycare, a place to have picnics and volley ball tournaments, to provide a safe haven for teens, and other social things. I’m not saying these things are bad. If you go to a Catholic church with a big sense of community, you will likely find an active youth ministry and other social activities. But if people are of the attitude that they visit church on Sunday and then forget about it the rest of the week, you are going to end of with a church where no one knows anyone else’s name and there is no fellowship.
A friend of mine is actually a little bothered by these Catholic churches with a lot of social activities. She says it’s not a social club; it’s a place to worship. She’s right. But if we have our priorities straight, a church can be both socially engaging and spiritually engaging.
I think it’s very important to have that sense of community and fellowship. We should all get involved and get programs started. Organize a “coffee and donuts” hour after Mass, get involved in YM, or join the pastoral council.