There are certainly things that are worse. I think that the drugs that the kids are exposed to are more potent and addicting than what was available a generation ago.
Oh, certainly they’re more potent. For one example, the marijuana sold today has been bred for potency – a direct consequence of its legal status. More powerful = less needed to achieve the same effect = less to transport/distribute = less to get in trouble over. However, marijuana isn’t addicting in the same sense as narcotics; one may become psychologically dependent on it (as one may develop a dependence on sushi or video games or even saying the rosary), but there is no physical addiction such as that which comes with alcohol or opiates.
As for addiction, heroin is still pretty much king of that, and it’s hardly a new drug. Other highly refined opiates and opioids like oxycodone are in about the same class, but honestly, there isn’t a whole lot of difference: they’re all narcotic painkillers. They work by mimicking the structure and effect of the endorphins the body naturally produces; but once your nervous system figures out ‘hey, cool, I have a huge supply of these coming in all the time!’ it stops producing its own, and takes a while to resume production. Thing is, they’re still
incredibly useful. Beyond their addictive nature, opiates are truly a wonder-drug. Nothing will
ever replace them; nothing is nearly as effective in pain management.
What’s really changed between the Good Old Days and now is the
selection. As chemical science and pharmacology have advanced, there are all kinds of new options. Amphetamines, benzodiazepines, hallucinogenic research chemicals – all fairly new.
But don’t make the mistake of assuming that if you’ve done one drug, you’ll do them all. Effects vary wildly, and what ‘works’ for one person may not work at all for another. Speaking from personal experience, while most people find marijuana calming and mellowing (and indeed, it’s very useful for some chronic pain patients), I end up with paranoid hallucinations. Hate the stuff. Once was more than enough.