My husband, even though he agrees with Catholics a lot too, frowns on the idea of me actually becoming Catholic. He especially doesn’t like the idea of not using birth control (ie, condoms) and whenever I bring it up he gets pretty upset. I think birth control is wrong, whether or not I become a Catholic I will continue to oppose it, but if he asks me to buy it or use it I do just to avoid an argument. I did finally get him to stop making me use a diaphragm, which I’d always hated. He even said we could try natural family planning, as long as we use condoms most of the time. I sort of think I can convince him more on this, but I don’t know. This is something I take pretty seriously, and I believe the early church took pretty seriously too, so I just don’t feel right about giving in on this all the time, but I can’t exactly deny him intercourse either, so I feel kind of helpless in the matter. He thinks it is more important for a wife to submit to her husband than to oppose something like birth control. Do you agree?
If I were to try to convince him more on the issue, what arguments do you think would work best to convince a non-Catholic Christian that birth control is wrong (he is also mostly pro-life)? HIs argument is that condoms are just a thing and how you use them constitutes whether they are good or bad, so he thinks they are okay in a marriage. I’m not sure what to say to that.
If I were to try to convince him more on the issue, what arguments do you think would work best to convince a non-Catholic Christian that birth control is wrong (he is also mostly pro-life)? HIs argument is that condoms are just a thing and how you use them constitutes whether they are good or bad, so he thinks they are okay in a marriage. I’m not sure what to say to that.