The Abrupt approach of trying to convert people ?!

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I just realized after having a Protestant man throwing all these Bible verses at me about how praying to Saints is wrong, about the Rosary being wrong, about tradition being wrong etc etc. I’ve had enough.
It made me realize what I don’t want to be like. And I feel bad because I admonished a Catholic for using crystals. I even once posted on fb people need to know the truth and that is that there is a God and they should choose what they believe carefully. YUCK!! I can’t believe I actually was like that. Shoving my beliefs down people’s throats. How awful.

In my experience I have hated when Protestants in a way bully me about my beliefs saying it’s not biblical. So I don’t want to ever be like that with anyone.

It’s horrible how it makes you feel when people start using the Bible against you to tell you you are wrong.
I’m not sure as Catholics our approach is really focused on telling people what they’re doing wrong. I think were called to love them and try and be a good example.
One thing is for sure is that the way people have done that whole throwing Bible verses thing at me really pushes me away more.
I pray they will eventually see this is the wrong way to be with people.
Though a bit unrelated Mother Teresa’s words on abortion can be a guideline on this.Last part of this speech says it all

I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is ‘Abortion’, because it is a war against the child… A direct killing of the innocent child, ‘Murder’ by the mother herself… And if we can accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love… And we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts…”
Yes I believe it is with using the gentle approach of love and humility that great things can be accomplished. We should use the gentleness of Mary and the meekness of Jesus.
If course there are times we need to be strong to defend our own faith, but when it comes to evangelizing others force is not an option. It makes me sick to think about that abrasive strategy of putting fear into people and quoting Bible verses or telling them the Church teaches etc etc
I am so sorry for your experience. i grew up protestant. one of the things that drive me towards Catholicism is that it does indeed seem a more peaceful, merciful, and loving religion than what i was raised. i think your approach will pay off in the end, love, prayer and confidence against a rottweiler with its shackles up…
I just realized after having a Protestant man throwing all these Bible verses at me about how praying to Saints is wrong, about the Rosary being wrong, about tradition being wrong etc etc. I’ve had enough.
It made me realize what I don’t want to be like. And I feel bad because I admonished a Catholic for using crystals. I even once posted on fb people need to know the truth and that is that there is a God and they should choose what they believe carefully. YUCK!! I can’t believe I actually was like that. Shoving my beliefs down people’s throats. How awful.

In my experience I have hated when Protestants in a way bully me about my beliefs saying it’s not biblical. So I don’t want to ever be like that with anyone.

It’s horrible how it makes you feel when people start using the Bible against you to tell you you are wrong.
I’m not sure as Catholics our approach is really focused on telling people what they’re doing wrong. I think were called to love them and try and be a good example.
One thing is for sure is that the way people have done that whole throwing Bible verses thing at me really pushes me away more.
I pray they will eventually see this is the wrong way to be with people.
I agree with you for the most part. I guess though it matters in how you say it and if your intent is to drag someone down or to inform them. If one views the other as a degenerate, one might treat them as such- even if one doesn’t think they are. To do evangelization correctly one really has to love God very very much.

My mother and I were having a conversation about this very thing the other day. She was saying how she doesn’t do that because faith is something so close to a person’s heart. You meddle in there then you can really mess a person up.

I went through some hefty trauma when i was with some Protestants with near this same thing… It was a scary thing for me to learn that my faith was ‘wrong’ and would send me to hell. At the same time though, some of what they were saying to me was true, and even though it was harshly said, I am glad for it. I’m not sure that my attention would have been brought to what was wrong with how I was believing… then again, I guess it all depends on how the person might take it. I guess I am trying to say that I’m not so sure you can make as broad a sweep as you do OP. Actually showing the man that you are listening to all he has to say and taking it into account might help him listen to you too… although not always is this true. Just sharing.

There is a difference between shoving one’s belief down another’s throat and then sharing with them the Truth in love. We still are called to evangelize… with genuine love and prudence. Not all the Protestants I met were forceful. Some were really wonderful loving people helping me see their concern over my faith belief…

I would have to agree with dee burk that it was the same with me coming back to the Catholic Faith. The Protestants always seemed to be fighting among each other- it seemed to be ultimately about who was right and who was wrong- sort of a battle ground stand or stance to be king of the hill that each teacher had to take. There wasn’t much peace with that… or if there was it was an unhappy lonely peace. Actually, there is that also in the Catholic Church as well.

Sometimes though I think Catholics don’t say enough and are too complacent with things, or don’t speak up when necessary. For that reason, I’m really grateful to those Protestants that are like rottweilers! People need both - harsh and soft at the proper times.
Yes I believe it is with using the gentle approach of love and humility that great things can be accomplished. We should use the gentleness of Mary and the meekness of Jesus.
I agree with you for the most part. I guess though it matters in how you say it and if your intent is to drag someone down or to inform them…

My mother and I were having a conversation about this very thing the other day. She was saying how she doesn’t do that because faith is something so close to a person’s heart. You meddle in there then you can really mess a person up.

I went through some hefty trauma when i was with some Protestants with near this same thing… It was a scary thing for me to learn that my faith was ‘wrong’ and would send me to hell. At the same time though, some of what they were saying to me was true, and even though it was harshly said, I am glad for it. I’m not sure that my attention would have been brought to what was wrong with how I was believing… then again, I guess it all depends on how the person might take it. I guess I am trying to say that I’m not so sure you can make as broad a sweep as you do OP. Actually showing the man that you are listening to all he has to say and taking it into account might help him listen to you too… although not always is this true. Just sharing.

There is a difference between shoving one’s belief down another’s throat and then sharing with them the Truth in love. We still are called to evangelize… with genuine love and prudence. Not all the Protestants I met were forceful. Some were really wonderful loving people helping me see their concern over my faith belief…
Yep, some things of Catholicism and Protestantism scared me, too, growing up because my family was split right down the middle. I had to grow up thinking differently from both. Then I realized I wasn’t thinking differently so much as I was thinking properly; the problem was that each ‘side’ was speaking from animosity and incorrect information. Enlightening, but…
For me as well; not all Protestants are forceful. That is a HUGE turn off to me…I will always remember the first preacher I ever knew. Nicest man of God I have ever met. Wrote a wonderful book, too. A Protestant. minister. His love of Christ and His family will be long remembered. Wished I could find that book again…
I’m sorry to say but that putting down my beliefs stuff has happened from more than 4 people. Not good enough I say
I feel bad because I admonished a Catholic for using crystals.
Crystals? Is that a form of superstition? If so then you acted correctly. Admonishing the sinner is a spiritual work of mercy.
I even once posted on fb people need to know the truth and that is that there is a God and they should choose what they believe carefully. YUCK!! I can’t believe I actually was like that. Shoving my beliefs down people’s throats. How awful.
Nonsense. A Facebook post doesn’t constitute “Shoving my beliefs down people’s throats” by any reasonable definition.
Nonsense. A Facebook post doesn’t constitute “Shoving my beliefs down people’s throats” by any reasonable definition.
Yes it does. FB is a social network. Its very system limits your communication to those you are connected to on a social level. Therefore, sending a preachy and unwanted message qualifies as shoving other people’s beliefs on other people’s throats. It’s the equivalent to proclaiming disparaging remarks at a large party where all your friends are.

It’s why I don’t preach at all on FB. I’ve seen bare-faced atheists who do but my silence is to show that I’m no longer the preachy one here. The result? Friends who found the atheists more annoying. :rolleyes:
No it doesn’t. If they don’t like the post they don’t have to read it.
Uh-huh and when atheists play that card alongside Playboy mags and Axe commercials, we persist in our call for media censorship. :rolleyes:

Setting that aside though, no. People don’t just ignore FB posts. That’s the point of FB. It’s networked communication where you have to watch what you put on. Why do you think people get irritated at the notion of Zuckerberg turning it into an ad machine? It’s because they know ignoring it is not just that simple. Worse still, in the case of friends, there is no setting buried under the controls that will let you opt out of atheistic posts.
I don’t know the exact quote but St. Francis said that we should preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary use words. In other words, by living our faith in love the Holy Spirit will be manifest and it will be the Holy Spirit that attracts people. I am a convert and I met many Catholics over the years before my conversion some more devout than others but all their loving kindness had an effect on my heart. Their witness of going to Mass whatever their own weaknesses was also powerful. It appears that with some Protestant denomination members can feel personally responsible to “save souls” but their zeal can be at times overwhelming, formulaic and oppressive. Evangelization can take many forms but I know I became more and more open to Christ because Catholics took the time to listen and be present to me - in other words they were loving and took time to form a relationship with me that was genuine and real. Jesus formed relationships everywhere he went and he took the time to listen to people and understand them and know them as lovable.

It seems that Catholics have more confidence that God will do the work with their cooperation rather than feeling pressured to personally drag someone over the threshold of belief. Also there are usually many, many encounters with Christians and the church before someone’s heart is open enough to recognize God. Even if it seems they had an “instant conversion” if they reflect most converts can see it was a process of coming to the point of recognizing Jesus.
I just realized after having a Protestant man throwing all these Bible verses at me about how praying to Saints is wrong, about the Rosary being wrong, about tradition being wrong etc etc. I’ve had enough.
It made me realize what I don’t want to be like. And I feel bad because I admonished a Catholic for using crystals. I even once posted on fb people need to know the truth and that is that there is a God and they should choose what they believe carefully. YUCK!! I can’t believe I actually was like that. Shoving my beliefs down people’s throats. How awful.

In my experience I have hated when Protestants in a way bully me about my beliefs saying it’s not biblical. So I don’t want to ever be like that with anyone.

It’s horrible how it makes you feel when people start using the Bible against you to tell you you are wrong.
I’m not sure as Catholics our approach is really focused on telling people what they’re doing wrong. I think were called to love them and try and be a good example.
One thing is for sure is that the way people have done that whole throwing Bible verses thing at me really pushes me away more.
I pray they will eventually see this is the wrong way to be with people.
This kind of Christianity is what kept me from becoming Christian for 46 years! :eek:
Right, because Catholicism and Playboy are moral equals :rolleyes:
Freedom of expression is the right of all is it not? I’m sure the media has enough ammo on the Catholic Church having a double standard of free speech (very much like the Left if I may add). With suppliers like you though, I wonder if it is ever going to run out. :rolleyes:
The only people I have had any success in evangelizing are children, because they have trusting hearts. They believe you when you tell them about Jesus’ love.
And there was one adult, a woman in the hospital who told me she was afraid to die, she didn’t know what would happen to her. I was a protestant at the time, but was able to share Jesus’ love and forgiveness with her. Her husband later told me she died in peace and he was grateful.
If someone expresses fear or anxiety or grief, I often say something and they accept it then. Not pushing, just reminding them God is there for them. When things get serious, people are more receptive.
It isn’t. The truth of God is not equivalent to the kind of smut that appears in Playboy. To say that it is, is simply ludicrous.
Ah I see, so you’re for tyranny on moral grounds.
I’m sure that worked well Catholic Colonial Spain. Is it still standing?

Nobody’s saying one is equal to the other here you know. What is equal is the RIGHT to express one and the other.

Or to quote the ever classic saying, “I don’t agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it!”

Then again, I’m sure you’re all for disagreeing with that as well and agreeing with Nazis and Soviets on freedom of expression. 👍
Ah I see, so you’re for tyranny on moral grounds.
In what universe is Playboy essential to freedom?
I’m sure that worked well Catholic Colonial Spain. Is it still standing?
All empires eventually fall, regardless of the rightness of their policies.
What is equal is the RIGHT to express one and the other.
Such right is not equal. To say that it is is not only contrary to the Catholic faith, but also contrary to natural reason.
I’m sure you’re all for disagreeing with that as well and agreeing with Nazis and Soviets on freedom of expression. 👍
I have at no point advocated totalitarianism.
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