The Academy Awards: “Out of Touch” and Proud of It

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The Academy Awards: “Out of Touch” and Proud of It

The long-awaited, politically-charged, overly-hyped “gay” Academy Awards show of 2006 is finally over. It was, in a word, boring. Maybe the Academy wanted it be a “safe show,” to counter the perception that Hollywood is overly provocative and out of touch with America. The fact that many of the prominent movies made political statements and their host a liberal political humorist made them play it safe, but it was boring nonetheless.

That’s not to say I wasn’t frosted by several attempts at humor filled with juvenile sexual innuendo and double entendre. Jon Stewart lamented that George Clooney, having won an Academy Award, will get even more illicit sex. Now that’s subtle comedy. I am certainly glad my daughter was not in the room.

In an awkward attempt at political incorrectness, the Academy produced a parody video using movie clips from old Western movies selected in such a way to, like Brokeback Mountain, make a mockery of the iconic masculine image of the American cowboy. I suppose I was most offended when they abused the quintessential icon of rugged western manhood, John Wayne. Maybe I am just too sensitive, but a homosexual John Wayne is too much for me.



Sunday night, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, in what has been declared “an upset,” decided not to give “Brokeback Mountain” the top awards (it lost Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor,
and Best Supporting Actress), but Hollywood’s elite still managed to push their radical agenda throughout the evening.

I have filed a special Family Values report for our Center Alert team members with my take on the Oscars.
Please click here:
    • Your letter to the Academy had an impact!
I want to thank you for co-signing my letter of protest to the Academy. I believe the 61,061 team members who joined with me had an impact. For example, our efforts were mentioned prominently in ABC’s “World
News Tonight” coverage last Friday, as part of a story highlighting how Americans simply were not connecting with the films nominated for highest honors by the Academy.

And if you watched the awards show, like I did, perhaps you noticed that Hollywood’s elite seemed to be walking a tightrope–trying to promote their agenda but not wanting to ignite further grassroots discontent. Still,
Best Supporting Actor George Clooney managed to say that he is “proud to be out of touch” with the rest of America. The evening also featured a tasteless video montage (meant to be humorous) that implied John Wayne may have had questions about his sexual identity.
For more, click here:

Again, thank you so much for taking a stand with me. We put Hollywood’s elite on notice that concerned citizens across this nation are not going to sit by silently, as a radical agenda is forced on our families and our communities.

Dr. Gary Cass
Executive Director
Center for Reclaiming America for Christ
Hollywood has become dull. Drunk on the license to sin, they think, like a drunk with a lampshade on his head, they are being creative and original when all they are doing is glorifying the same old sinful nonsense that has been glorified by many a society gone to the dogs before us–sodomy, profligacy, and raunch. Dull, dull, dull! :rolleyes:
Hopefully, they will soon be out of business. The rating were the same name as the so-called “Best Picture”… CRASH.

Hopefully, they will soon be out of business. The rating were the same name as the so-called “Best Picture”… CRASH.

As for the music side, the Grammys didn’t far well in the ratings either. Their audience was near an all time bottom too.

I’m praying (or at least hoping) for the end of the decadence Hollywood because they are not a part of my life’s concerns. The last movie I’ve seem is not even Hollywood’s claim: The Passion of the Christ!
I think hollywood has lost it’s creative edge and has become a total bore. I’ve posted here before that all Hollywood does is remakes,comic book films and liberal films and that seems to be true. I used to go to the movies a lot, I mean like every week if a good movie were out, now I hardly ever go. The last one I saw was Munich, and I only really saw that because I had to spend time with my father that day. It was ok,nothing great.

I know there are going to be a lot of comic book films coming out in the summer that I probably won’t see. The oscars were worse than I thaught they would be. THe audience only laughed at John Stewart’s jokes to be nice it seemed.
Don’t all the rated G & PG movies make the most money? You’d think they’d get a clue.
Soon enough, our indifference to their antics won’t even raise enough interest to post a thread. Less and less people spend money on their “products”. Less see fit to click the TV on. Hmmmmmm, if not us, who will finance their projects. Let the market show them their worth. The sooner the better.
I saw entertainment critic Michael Medved interviewed on EWTN’s *World Over Live * with Raymond Arroyo this weekend, and his take on the whole Hollywood thing is that these producers and activist actors (the Elites) are not even about making money at the box office anymore, they’re more concerned with getting their ego stroked from their fellow Hollywood Elites, and all that goes with it, namely, impressing women that they want to score with, the A list actresses and so forth.

They’ve lost credibility with the average movie going audience and they are too arrogant to see or care that the majority think they are pathetic.

They live a very sad and shallow existence. I’m actually kind of embarrassed for them when you see them all talking and behaving and posturing as though they are so far above everyone else, (you know, the ones they are out of touch with) and they are poor in the only reality that counts.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?
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