I stumbled across this link today:
Mortimer Adler was an American philosopher who thought his three best teachers were Aristotle, Aquinas, and the French-Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain.
From the mission statement of the Adler-Aquinas Institute (also know as AAI):
Mortimer Adler was an American philosopher who thought his three best teachers were Aristotle, Aquinas, and the French-Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain.
From the mission statement of the Adler-Aquinas Institute (also know as AAI):
Sounds great to me! I’d love to hear from anyone who knows more about it.The Adler-Aquinas Institute was founded to provide a sound philosophical metaphysics (rooted in first principles grounded in sense wonder about the being of sensible things and faculties and habits of the intellectual soul) and a sound theology (rooted in revelation and the Magisterium consistently interpreting that revelation and the necessary conclusions therefrom), to open the minds of students to an appreciation of the spiritual as well as the scientific and humanistic inheritance of Western civilization.<<<<<