The Ancient Greeks on the Logos

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Hi everyone,

I hope that everyone is doing well. I would like to know if anyone can direct me to resources and links on the ancient Greek philosophers. I have been trying to find the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers on the philosophical understanding of the Logos. Here, Logos understood as a rational principle and not as a principle of rhetoric as understood by Aristotle.

So far, I have found the writings of Heraclitus, his “Fragments”, but they are not very helpful, not very organized, and too sparse. The only other philosopher treating of the subject is Zeno of Citium but I have to find his writing titled “On the Logos”.

Can anyone provide me with some links on the ancient Greek philosophers on the subject?

Thank you very much. I truly appreciate.

The Stoics are said to have attached greater importance to the Logos than any of the other Greek schools, but finding out exactly what they said about it may not be an easy task.

Scholars usually divide the history of Stoicism into three phases:
• Early Stoa, from the founding of the school by Zeno to Antipater.
• Middle Stoa, including Panaetius and Posidonius.
• Late Stoa, including Musonius Rufus, Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius.
No complete work by any Stoic philosopher survives from the first two phases of Stoicism. Only Roman texts from the Late Stoa survive.

In any case, I look forward to seeing how this thread develops. You have asked a very interesting question.
There’s link to an article by the Encyclopedia Britannia which might be of some help, but it doesn’t give any original quotes by ancient Greek philosophers.

It includes the quote -
Though the concept defined by the term logos is found in Greek, Indian, Egyptian, and Persian philosophical and theological systems…
Which makes me wonder if Greek philosophers got the idea from Persian and / or Indian sources, due to the Alexandrian conquests.
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