The anticipation of the Christmas feast should be avoided

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This can put us at odds with the culture within which we live .

But aren’t we at odds with it anyway ?

" Advent, as a period of expectation and preparation, is closely related to, yet distinct from, the feast of Christmas for which it prepares. This can create a certain tension if the weeks before Christmas are exploited for commercial purposes or where social celebrations of the feast are anticipated in schools and places of work . "

So avoid parties and shopping?
I read the whole document, which is a very good primer on the season. The above quote is not what it is saying. Even the OP is a bit misleading regarding what the document is saying.

I like this quote. I think it sums it up well:
Advent is not simply a preparation to commemorate the historical event of Christmas nor primarily an expecta- tion of the parousia, but is rather an anticipation or a beginning of the celebration of the integral mystery of the incarnation, the advent and the epiphany of the Son of God in flesh and in majesty.The Christian community lives in an “interim” time between two historical events: the coming of Christ in the flesh and his coming in glory at the end of time.The Church is called to be strong in faith “as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.”
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