Most of my posts here are regarding dating… but lately I have had a strange and sudden desire to fully give my life to God. Perhaps its been a long time coming - the things I watch on tv, movies, music, friends I have. All of these things have been carefully refined over the years so that they bring me closer to God rather than away. I lead a very simple life.
I’ve been watching EWTN shows on youtube and a couple of episodes of Life on the Rock with sisters have really opened my eyes towards religious life as a sister. I have done some research on discernment.
I know to pray, pray, and pray some more! I know that I will need to talk with my priest about this sooner than later, and also find a spiritual director (I live in a small town but I can see there is one nearby in the next city a few hours away).
There are some good things: I don’t have children, I have never been married, I am healthy, and well educated (I have my BSN and am a practicing nurse in Canada).
The bad news: I am older than the usual requirement I’ve seen from 18-30. (32). Perhaps the good news about this is that they would not have to further educate me - I have two science degrees. I also have some student loans which are very minimal and currently being paid off (a Canadian advantage of being a nurse in a rural town), and although I do have a house, it is small and beautiful and right next to the new hospital in my hometown, so I assume would be an easy sell.
The other thing is I really feel drawn to some of the places I am learning about in the US. I am actually really drawn to the SOLT Sisters!
My mom knows about this, but other than that I am still just starting to consider this. I hope that you will all keep me in your prayers and if you have the inspiration to connect me with someone who might help, I would love that.
I’ve been watching EWTN shows on youtube and a couple of episodes of Life on the Rock with sisters have really opened my eyes towards religious life as a sister. I have done some research on discernment.
I know to pray, pray, and pray some more! I know that I will need to talk with my priest about this sooner than later, and also find a spiritual director (I live in a small town but I can see there is one nearby in the next city a few hours away).
There are some good things: I don’t have children, I have never been married, I am healthy, and well educated (I have my BSN and am a practicing nurse in Canada).
The bad news: I am older than the usual requirement I’ve seen from 18-30. (32). Perhaps the good news about this is that they would not have to further educate me - I have two science degrees. I also have some student loans which are very minimal and currently being paid off (a Canadian advantage of being a nurse in a rural town), and although I do have a house, it is small and beautiful and right next to the new hospital in my hometown, so I assume would be an easy sell.
The other thing is I really feel drawn to some of the places I am learning about in the US. I am actually really drawn to the SOLT Sisters!
My mom knows about this, but other than that I am still just starting to consider this. I hope that you will all keep me in your prayers and if you have the inspiration to connect me with someone who might help, I would love that.