This is a recurring thought of mine: After the fall of Adam and Eve, what became of human spirituality?
I know we remained spiritual creatures, but before there were any of the earliest signs of Judaism arising (before much of the crucial events in the old testament took place), what was going on during, say, the stone age and the ice age? We were cut off from God. Was there a period when humanity didn’t speak to God directly through prayer? If so, how did humans start doing this again (though in a less perfect way since we have been separated from God before being born again)? How long might this period have lasted? We do know that humans, even in the earliest ages, had some kind of believe about an afterlife, an there is archaeological evidence of rituals that happened during these early years.
I know we remained spiritual creatures, but before there were any of the earliest signs of Judaism arising (before much of the crucial events in the old testament took place), what was going on during, say, the stone age and the ice age? We were cut off from God. Was there a period when humanity didn’t speak to God directly through prayer? If so, how did humans start doing this again (though in a less perfect way since we have been separated from God before being born again)? How long might this period have lasted? We do know that humans, even in the earliest ages, had some kind of believe about an afterlife, an there is archaeological evidence of rituals that happened during these early years.