The benefits of keeping a journal

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The benefits of journaling

It’s now twenty year old me who has to live in the woods/farm area (in South Africa) with my godmother for the next six months.

While I encourage sitting down, closing eyes when praying, typing at a computer and all the other traditional ways of studying.

We forget that creative thought is also kinaesthetic. I often read something light while standing. Priests may read the liturgy of the hours while walking.

It’s these different postures (like at Mass we have different prayer postures), that get me thinking.

I have often thought that writing a journal is a burden. And, it can be a burden when one has nothing to write about or in my case, I was placed on antipsychotics and almost forgot how to write (but my typing was fine)!

Within one week on the small holding, I found my childlike self again after playing with a German shepherd dog. Things are so different on the other side of the world.

Now, I can’t wait to pick up a pen and write. Like the children’s author Roald Dahl said: Some people have forgotten what it is like to be a child; I haven’t.

We are children of God. We when fall, we can always run back to Jesus waiting for us in the confessional.
I’ll say this, hide your journal and destroy it once it’s full.
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