What do you believe? Do you believe that the bible is totally and utterly inerrant, meaning it has no ‘human’ errors in it, or do you believe that the bible was written by men so there are some things that contradict because humans wrote it although it is God inspired so the basics are all true.
For me… I believe that the bible is God inspired. Meaning, it has some contradictions but they are SO small and unimportant it doesn’t matter because the message is the same and comes across clear…
Take the four gospels and the differences in the stories of how many angels were waiting for those coming to see the place where Jesus was laid. In Mark it’s one angel who tells Mary Magdalene and Salome and Mary the mother of James to go spread the news of Jesus’ rising but in John it is Jesus himself who tells Mary Magdalene to go spread the news. In
Mark 16:5-7
5So they entered the tomb, and there on the right sat a young man clothed in a white robe. The women were startled, 6but the angel said, “Do not be so surprised. You are looking for Jesus, the Nazarene, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He has been raised from the dead! Look, this is where they laid his body. 7Now go and give this message to his disciples, including Peter: Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there, just as he told you before he died!”
**John 20:11-17 **
11Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, and as she wept, she stooped and looked in. 12She saw two white-robed angels sitting at the head and foot of the place where the body of Jesus had been lying. 13"Why are you crying?" the angels asked her.
“Because they have taken away my Lord,” she replied, “and I don’t know where they have put him.”
14She glanced over her shoulder and saw someone standing behind her. It was Jesus, but she didn’t recognize him. 15"Why are you crying?" Jesus asked her. “Who are you looking for?”
She thought he was the gardener. “Sir,” she said, “if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him.”
16"Mary!" Jesus said.
She turned toward him and exclaimed, “Teacher!”
17"Don’t cling to me," Jesus said, “for I haven’t yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, my God and your God.”
So why are these differences here? Have you ever played that game ‘Telephone’ with a group of friends where one person whispers something to the next person and so on down the line and by the time it gets to the last person it is something completely different from the original message? I think that this has happened here. Both the authors of Mark and John heard the story of the discovery that Jesus had risen but each heard a different version. But the message is the same! Jesus has risen! He is alive and fulfilled the promise made to us! It doesn’t matter HOW they got the message but that the message was delivered!!!
Please put your 2cents in! I would love to hear EVERYONE’s opinions… Even if you are not a christian…
For me… I believe that the bible is God inspired. Meaning, it has some contradictions but they are SO small and unimportant it doesn’t matter because the message is the same and comes across clear…
Take the four gospels and the differences in the stories of how many angels were waiting for those coming to see the place where Jesus was laid. In Mark it’s one angel who tells Mary Magdalene and Salome and Mary the mother of James to go spread the news of Jesus’ rising but in John it is Jesus himself who tells Mary Magdalene to go spread the news. In
Mark 16:5-7
5So they entered the tomb, and there on the right sat a young man clothed in a white robe. The women were startled, 6but the angel said, “Do not be so surprised. You are looking for Jesus, the Nazarene, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He has been raised from the dead! Look, this is where they laid his body. 7Now go and give this message to his disciples, including Peter: Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there, just as he told you before he died!”
**John 20:11-17 **
11Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, and as she wept, she stooped and looked in. 12She saw two white-robed angels sitting at the head and foot of the place where the body of Jesus had been lying. 13"Why are you crying?" the angels asked her.
“Because they have taken away my Lord,” she replied, “and I don’t know where they have put him.”
14She glanced over her shoulder and saw someone standing behind her. It was Jesus, but she didn’t recognize him. 15"Why are you crying?" Jesus asked her. “Who are you looking for?”
She thought he was the gardener. “Sir,” she said, “if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him.”
16"Mary!" Jesus said.
She turned toward him and exclaimed, “Teacher!”
17"Don’t cling to me," Jesus said, “for I haven’t yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them that I am ascending to my Father and your Father, my God and your God.”
So why are these differences here? Have you ever played that game ‘Telephone’ with a group of friends where one person whispers something to the next person and so on down the line and by the time it gets to the last person it is something completely different from the original message? I think that this has happened here. Both the authors of Mark and John heard the story of the discovery that Jesus had risen but each heard a different version. But the message is the same! Jesus has risen! He is alive and fulfilled the promise made to us! It doesn’t matter HOW they got the message but that the message was delivered!!!
Please put your 2cents in! I would love to hear EVERYONE’s opinions… Even if you are not a christian…