Yea I don’t think that you have to be radical to believe that we are being lied to by television and popular media. Stories have always been written to try and convey a message. There are a lot of fables and fariytales that children read which have a good message - like the lazy hare in ‘The Hare and the Turtle’ who loses the race to a turtle, and the message of the story is not to be lazy. Unfortunately, ‘stories’ written for adults don’t always have good messages. Probably one of the most common lies is how TV and magazines and etc. tell us that outward appearance is really important - not necessarily directly, but it is a hidden message of the story.
Good article. We need to promote the truth. I think that another way of doing it is to use the same medium that is being used to spread the lie. People who make music, films, movies etc. who have any sense of goodness and decency should take care to not spread the lie, but spread truthful messages just like the fables of old did.