An article in The Daily Standard…
Two scientists from Newcastle University, Nico Forraz and Colin McGuckin, have built dime-sized human livers using stem cells found in umbilical cord blood. The livers are already sufficient for use in drug testing — perhaps in place of using some animals and humans as research subjects. The scientists believe that within five years, stem-cell generated liver tissue could be sufficiently perfected for use in treating human diseases caused by injury, disease, and alcohol abuse. Perhaps in 15 years, the technique could even be employed to manufacture whole human livers suitable for transplantation…
What are they waiting for to report this news? The passing of Ammendment 2 in Missouri?Heaven forbid, the public should begin to think maybe we can do without ESC’s and eventually harvesting body parts from cloned human beings after all is said and done. Be that as it may, researchers still want them desperately. After all, the end justifies the means and they can learn so much basic science studying these tiny embryonic children; not to mention all the money they can earn from resulting drug therapies and patented embryonic stem cell lines.
All too well do they realize that the promise of patient specific stem cell therapy is pie-in-the-sky. It is too expensive for one thing; not enough donors oocytes for another. Not to even mention, the foreign mitochondrial DNA from the donor oocyte may well cause an immune rejection reaction in the patient after he receives an injection of stem cells produced by nuclear transfer. That isn’t expected to be a big problem though. Just another opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to make more money with anti-rejection therapy.
Yep, folks step right up for some more snake oil.
So, if someone would take a pro-life activist to a concentration camp and shoot them down would you support that?In a debate on PBS the scintist said only Embronic Stem Cell could produce organs and this is why we must procede with this research. Could this be the reason…
But it’s still violating the personhood of the embryo’s.In a debate on PBS the scintist said only Embronic Stem Cell could produce organs and this is why we must proceed with this research. Could this be the reason…
There is no way scientists know of – short of fetus farming – to transform embryonic stem cells into pure tissue
types suitable for transplant: “Although embryonic have been shown to have the potential to turn into virtually
any cell type found within the body, no studies have demonstrated the controlled generation of a uniform cell
type.” (Harvard Medical School Professor Charles Vacanti, “In tissue engineering, embryonic stem cells may not
stemcellresearch.org/facts/WheresTheBeef.pdfbe the way to go”;