Anyone know anything about a sect called “The Brethren” who follow John Darby’s teachings and don’t use technology like computers? Do they belong to a particular branch of that belief system?
Scott,Well, this website should debunk that myth. John Darby started a commune known as the Plymouth Brethren in the early 1800s. Since they have a well organized website, I can assume that they have no prohibitions against the use of computers.
Annie, same comment applies. The linked site is not an official site of the Plymouth Brethren, Open or Closed. It is the personal site of one individual.website has links to Dave Hunt, Jack chick and tim LaHaye, do you need any more info?
So it is evil and sinful for them to us it, but it is NOT evil and sinful to hire and pay someone else to do something that they consider evil and sinful? I think that premeditated murder is evil and sinful, but it is not alright for me to hire a thug to murder someone. It makes me complicit in the sin.The group I know of are in a family business. They hired a non-member who uses technology for their business, but they claim it is evil and don’t use it themselves. (Although they allow the employee to do it to further their business!). The employee does not work at their facility so I guess they feel it’s not there so their hands are clean. They will, however, not let the employee start a website for the business because that goes too far against their double standard.
They do not celebrate holidays and will not let the employee send Holiday generic cards to clients. The employee cannot eat lunch with them (“the meal”) when the person is at their facility being a non-member.