Read this link on Life news This is insane and a contradiction. I would like to hear some of your reflections on this.God Bless
Totally stopped me in my tracks… I mean, here you can see the obvious problem with abortion, that the line is ‘blurred’ from murder to abortion, then why isn’t abortion murder?But the girl, also from Richmond - who was a willing participant in the induced abortion, law enforcement officials say - cannot be charged under that law because it specifically excludes the mother from criminal liability.
In part because it still was legal to abort the fetus, the decision renewed debate over the protection of fetuses and the fairness of charging just one of two juveniles who allegedly agreed to kill their unborn child.
Totally sickened me. I mean this lady has NO CLUE. It’s a waste of resources to prosecute someone who purposeful killed another human being??? Excuse me!? Hitting his girlfriend with a BAT in the STOMACH? I wonder where I live sometimes.Miranda Massie, a Detroit civil rights attorney, believes neither teen should be charged. “My heart went out to these poor kids,” Massie said. "I believe it is a terrible mistake to be charged at all. This is a tremendous waste of public resources.
** We live in a very confused place…:yup: …It is called the Western world ! Hold onto your Hope…God has a plan !**I saw the same thing here detnews.com/2005/metro/0501/05/A01-50709.htm
and this quote
Totally stopped me in my tracks… I mean, here you can see the obvious problem with abortion, that the line is ‘blurred’ from murder to abortion, then why isn’t abortion murder?
It’s all so sad. I hope our society wakes up.
I don’t know HOW her parents didn’t know she was 6 months pregnant.
this quote
Totally sickened me. I mean this lady has NO CLUE. It’s a waste of resources to prosecute someone who purposeful killed another human being??? Excuse me!? Hitting his girlfriend with a BAT in the STOMACH? I wonder where I live sometimes.
This drives me crazy too. A woman who takes crack during her prenancy can be prosecuted in a sense for not aborting the baby. After all, if she doesn’t want to be prosecuted, she just has to kill the child first.Well that is crazy If a newborn is born with addiction to cocaine or crack the mother is charged and the child is taken away,so I guess their mindset is it is perfectly fine tho kill the unborn baby but to abuse drugs that harm the baby is prosectutable Where is the justice or rational in that?Roe V Wade opened up a can of snakes:banghead:
That is what this society has been reduced to!Children are choice they have been reduced to an expendable status,and they have hour long specials on why children kill That is exactly what they have been taught to do, if someone causes you trouble or is inconvienant take them out. Unless,this mentality is changed I am afraid of how much worse it is going to get.God BlessThis drives me crazy too. A woman who takes crack during her prenancy can be prosecuted in a sense for not aborting the baby. After all, if she doesn’t want to be prosecuted, she just has to kill the child first.
I have talked with people who deem this reasonable, and they see it as the mother harms a child whom she gives birth to in a state of being addicted, but she does not do harm to the child if she kills it prior to it being born in that addicted state. I guess they see no harm, except to an already born person. Otherwise you are only hurting a blob or something?
Catherine S. said:Hold onto your Hope…God has a plan !