I have recently taken more of an interest in my Catholic faith. It seems to me that most Catholics and most of the Catholic call in shows take questions and try to defend the Church from protestants. Do not protestants at least have faith in Jesus Christ?
Why then to we spend time defending the Church form protestants instead of trying to get more people to know Christ? This world is full of athiests, Muslims, Jews and many other religions that do not know the love of Christ. Even young adults raised Catholic that have no relationship with God but are thinking of only their lusts.
I feel our battle is not against the protestants at this time. It is for God to decide who gets to heaven. By at least knowing the Cathoilc faith exsists allows all protestants the free will to decide wether or notto join out true Church. We need to focus on those who have lost touch with Jesus or who do not know Him.
Why then to we spend time defending the Church form protestants instead of trying to get more people to know Christ? This world is full of athiests, Muslims, Jews and many other religions that do not know the love of Christ. Even young adults raised Catholic that have no relationship with God but are thinking of only their lusts.
I feel our battle is not against the protestants at this time. It is for God to decide who gets to heaven. By at least knowing the Cathoilc faith exsists allows all protestants the free will to decide wether or notto join out true Church. We need to focus on those who have lost touch with Jesus or who do not know Him.