Last week the local PBS station aired a show called The Congregation. This show was a look at a United Methodist church in Germantown, PA (a suburb of Philly). This church had a new senior pastor come in and during the time of the show one of the junior pastors “came out”. This was the woman who had her ordination creditanls taken away December 2nd by the United Methodist Confrence.
There were three things that bothered me about the show, one with protestantism in general, one about liberals (inclusives), and one about the lesbian (something she said).
“This is how God made me.”
WRONG. None of us are how God made us. God made us to be perfect. As we are born into this fallen world, we are also born into the fallen nature of Adam. Not a single one of is how God made us. We all fall short, we all sin.
If we buy this arguement then we must accept those who want to have sex with children, with those who want to have sex with multiple partners, with those who want to murder, with those who want to steal. After all, isn’t that how God made them? For the arguement to work for homosexuals it has to work for all other deviants.
Thank you for letting me vent on this.
There were three things that bothered me about the show, one with protestantism in general, one about liberals (inclusives), and one about the lesbian (something she said).
- This church was upset with the new senior pastor because he changed the order of worship. Rather than preaching at the end of their service, he did it in the middle. They did not care for his managerial style. Rather than dicitoral he worked more as a partner. And last, they thought his preaching was weak.
- During of the services they aired on the show they prayed the Our Father. It started out, “Our Mother/Father who art in Heaven”.
- The junior pastor went though the ordination process knowing that it was against church law to be oradined. There is also a law against the ordination of any sexually active single person. So they do not just single out homosexuals. Now she sort of lived a lie but she rationalized it that no one every asked her the question.
“This is how God made me.”
WRONG. None of us are how God made us. God made us to be perfect. As we are born into this fallen world, we are also born into the fallen nature of Adam. Not a single one of is how God made us. We all fall short, we all sin.
If we buy this arguement then we must accept those who want to have sex with children, with those who want to have sex with multiple partners, with those who want to murder, with those who want to steal. After all, isn’t that how God made them? For the arguement to work for homosexuals it has to work for all other deviants.
Thank you for letting me vent on this.