The Crucified Body of Christ as image of Ages and of Ecclesiology

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Jesus’ Five Wounds as Ages

His hands nailed and raised up in torture, that through the incomprehensible pain of pulling Himself up, He might merit the graces necessary to cast the dragon out of heaven and reign in his place, while problems still persist on earth (the dragon pursues the woman, spews a flood after her, and raises up the beast…),

His feet nailed in horror, that, in enduring excruciating pain as he must let his body rest toward the earth, ultimately dying from these two wounds, His grace might come to rest on earth, and put to death wickedness and pain for a great time, chaining the dragon beneath His Feet, in His Mother’s Age of Peace, which cometh soon.

And finally, after even putting to death wickedness and sin for a great time of Catholic peace, the world will pierce HIs side in the final wound, the Great Apostasy, even as the dragon emerges a final time from the abyss.

And a resurrection, in that, as He arose on the third day, the final set of wounds, so also the third light of the history of Church will the Second Coming, and the Resurrection of all men to eternal recompense.

The Crucified Hands and Feet of Jesus as Image of Ecclesiology of Truth and Sacrament

A blessed Good Friday to all.

I still believe that Jesus’ crucified feet, which walk the Way of His Father, walk the way of TRUTH, which lights the way, and the TRUTH has five sources in one way in Catholicism, like the five toes of Christ, which rise in one foot and fall in another, when placed on top of one another, just as the five sources, in one way, rise in degree of truth you can get from them, but fall, in the same direction, in evidence to support their legitimacy. For the deepest treasures are most hidden to the immediate eye.
  1. Trinity and Incarnation: Most reliable source of truth, least evident mystery
  2. Peter: most reliable earthly source, least evident earthly source
  3. Apostolic Tradition in general: not as reliable as Peter, but more evident that Peter in Early Fathers Writings
  4. Written Tradition, or Scripture, much less reliable by itself than Tradition by itself, since it can easily be misinterpreted, but the most evident source of Revelation, more evident than Tradition, since the Early Fathers overwhelmingly quote Scripture more than Tradition. All Christians have Scripture.
  5. Reason: least reliable source of truth, only natural truth here, but the most evident source of truth to all, seeing as all men have reason, even savages, but not all have learned of Scripture, much less the other supernatural sources.
And I still believe that his two hands, that do the works of His Father, which alone can be done by grace, image, in the respective five fingers, the five great sources of grace that heretics lack, the five sacraments that require the priests, and that, with such depravity, cause heretics to pole themselves relative to them, one pole being scrupulosity, a softer heart, and presumption, a harder heart, just as one arm is strong and the other is weak.

For presumptuous heretics presume immunity from confession (no sin can separate me from God, or else i cannot sin seriously, since grace is irresistible), strengthening from sin near death (anointing of sick), special grace to aid in election, confirmation (I am elect, they say), holy orders (I know that my pastor speaks for God, or else, it does not matter what the preacher says, as long as I have Jesus personally), communion (I know my lttle community is God’s true Church, i needn’t worry about PRotestant confusion, or else the true communion is just all believers, regardless of belief or worship style).

And scrupulous heretics cower: can i be forgiven after Baptism and if so, how? What if there is unforgivable sin, so that there is no last minute chance for me to be saved in this evening of my life? Does God want me reprobate? Which of the countless fiery Protestant preachers speaks for God? How can I Know? WHere is the true church? If my community doesn’t fully correctly interpret Scripture, will i perish?

Jesus nails these two extremes of five dimensions on either side of Him, to center His very Mystical Body between these extremes, for those who have these five sacraments, or five fingers, have balance, neither to presume, nor despair of the grace and salvation.
Just curious… Why Peter? Why not Paul? Or the Apostles? 🤷
sorry, Peter is a metaphor for the papacy. The Tradition implies all the other Bishops and Apostolic Succession in general, for without them, there is no Sacred Tradition
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