The crux of the abortion problem

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Apart from a sitcom or two, I am going to be refraining from watching TV. That (and eventually quitting pipe tobacco) will make me focus my life better. Discussing an issue or two on here helps me clear my mind however.

For the average American, can the question of abortion be simply stated as this?: a pregnant woman already knows she is the mother of her child…
Apart from a sitcom or two, I am going to be refraining from watching TV. That (and eventually quitting pipe tobacco) will make me focus my life better. Discussing an issue or two on here helps me clear my mind however.

For the average American, can the question of abortion be simply stated as this?: a pregnant woman already knows she is the mother of her child…
I applaud your desire to refrain from watching TV. I am aware that there are good things on TV as well, but am okay without and have several hobbies.

Maybe you have heard of “40 Days for Life”. If not, here is a site about them:

Due to their prayerful, non-judgmental ways in their pro-life stance, they have helped many. The successes they share are heartwarming and very encouraging.
The problem is the goals have been set and the goal posts are not movable. The only problem at the moment is achieving the goal. Abortion is condemned and many times over. In my humble opinion its “the problem” and all others flow from it in the US.

Television in general is temptation in sublime brainwashing, however, it shows both sides of the coin on any given point. Nevertheless, it shows all the negative straight out of the lake of fire, and the seed is planted. Why you want to stroke one of the seven deadly sins is really the question. I have to assume its related to our own state of iniquity. We call it entertainment but by a large degree its merely negative brainwashing by stimulation. I find most of it very disturbing, its like watching the battle of evil not only in reality but by televised temptation.
I liked to watch discussions-debates on tv. I don’t think an enjoyment of debate is a sin
I liked to watch discussions-debates on tv. I don’t think an enjoyment of debate is a sin
Forcing Christians to mutilate the unborn through abortion is a about as serious a conscience issue as forcing them to kill in combat. I’m with the Christians and not because I’m Christian but because they are right.

We should stop this instead of hanging on a loose foolish argument to excuse killing the innocent.
For the average American, can the question of abortion be simply stated as this?: a pregnant woman already knows she is the mother of her child…
I don’t think so.
A woman facing an unexpected or crisis pregnancy is not often thinking of her child, She is thinking of how this will impact her life, and it’s all tied up with emotions of fear, shame, maybe panic or denial.
That’s why talking to her about her unborn child doesn’t often work. Showing an ultrasound that makes the baby more real has a greater effect.
We need to offer more support and help to pregnant women, so they don’t feel that abortion is their only alternative.

If I’m ever arrested, it will probably be for blowing up a Planned Parenthood billboard.
Apart from a sitcom or two, I am going to be refraining from watching TV. That (and eventually quitting pipe tobacco) will make me focus my life better. Discussing an issue or two on here helps me clear my mind however.

For the average American, can the question of abortion be simply stated as this?: a pregnant woman already knows she is the mother of her child…
I began limiting my TV viewing a few years ago. For the past five years, I watch 90% Christian TV with the other 10% being news (also limited), H2 channel, and occasionally movies that appear spiritually useful or wholesome. This practice has really helped keep me focused with Bible study as well as increasing my sensitivity to ‘guarding the gates’ of my eyes and ears. Keeping Biblical principles fresh in my mind also helps to keep my mouth in check as well - although that part is undoubtedly more challenging, along with curbing unhelpful/negative thinking patterns.

The ‘abortion issue’, for me, is not about abortion, per se. I know that during the years that I was ‘off the hook’, I was spiritually dead (though I was too blind to see it). Such is the underlying cause/condition that assures sexual irresponsibility, immoral behavior and decisions. Abortion is a symptom - spiritual deficiency/bankruptcy is the problem (females and males). Spiritual problems require spiritual solutions.

Focusing on the consequences of immoral behavior - abortion, prisons, etc. has largely been ineffective for ‘turning back the tide’. The hardening of my heart and dulling of my conscience began long before my conscience became seared in places later.

Just the view from here…

Grateful, today, for Mercy and Forgiveness of the Holy Spirit of God, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Who made the Way Back for me and us. 🙂
Forcing Christians to mutilate the unborn through abortion is a about as serious a conscience issue as forcing them to kill in combat. I’m with the Christians and not because I’m Christian but because they are right.

We should stop this instead of hanging on a loose foolish argument to excuse killing the innocent.
What are you talking about? Killing a baby isn’t as bad as killing a soldier? And what is this loose argument you’re talking about?

My point of this thread was that abortion is a women’s issue and should be settled primarily by them. On some level I think they know they are mothers already soon after the conceptional intercourse
My point of this thread was that abortion is a women’s issue and should be settled primarily by them. On some level I think they know they are mothers already soon after the conceptional intercourse
So should men butt out of the issue if a mother kills her two year old daughter? Do we now need to make sure that only women police officers, prosecutors, judges and jurors decide such cases? Why should the unborn child be treated as less than the born one?
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