The cure of ARs

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Does anyone know anything about this saint? What was the most outstanding thing about him, and how did he get to be a saint?
It’s St. John Vianney. I know a little. He was a very humble priest. He is the Patron St. of Parish priests. When younger he was thought to be very stupid. He had a hard time in school and getting into the priest hood. But finally he did, People would line up for hours so he could hear their confessions. He is truly a very humble saint. My son wants to be a Priest and I pray to St. John daily for my son.

His biography is wonderful.
The previous post is accurate–i can only add to it…
The Cure of Ars’ feast day was just celebrated on 8/4!
TAN publishers has the definitive biography written by Fr. Trochu and is based largely on the materials gathered for his canonization process.
This amazing priest had an adventurous life even before his ordination–he was conscripted during the French Revolution/Napoleonic Wars, went into hiding and received First Communion & Confirmation late–like so many peers during the Revolution and early years of the Republic.
He had a sharp sense of humor, great humility & charity. He was also without guile. There is a documented account of a time whem his orphanage had no bread, so the Cure had all the children pray with him. Later, they found the granary filled with wheat and corn. The Cure kept mum but the bishop got wind, so he went to Ars. The Cure wouldn’t admit that a supernatural event had occurred until the Bishop(who knew his priest very well) asked: “Oh, so the grain was this high?” (pointing to his shoulders) To which the Saint replied, “Oh, no Monsieur, it was this high!”(pointing over his head)!!
His homilies and catechetical works are available in print and online.
There are many wonderful anecdotes such as this.
You can actually read some of his sermons. Very strong stuff. If given in our time, they would cause many to write the bishop.

“Wise men speak because they have something to say. Fools speak because they have to say something.” (Plato)
Yes, his sermons were pretty strong stuff.

And his manner of confession was not particularly what we in our day would call compassionate. He did have the gift of discerning souls, and if he knew that you were really not sorry for sin he would send you away to work on that, without absolution.
And if you forgot a sin, he would remind you.
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