The Da Vinci Code Banned In Lebanon

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Good to see it. Glad to see them defending Christianity against garbage like that.
I wonder if banning is a good idea. This could drive the reading of the book , seen as rebellion against authority, underground. Far better I think if the Catholic Faith could be taught correctly and the errors in DVC discussed in parish meetings.
Ugh. I completely disagree with this banning, or any banning of books. Free speech should be a fundamental principal of our society as a global community.
Ugh. I completely disagree with this banning, or any banning of books. Free speech should be a fundamental principal of our society as a global community.
Agreed. I am amazed at the hypocracy of some people. They wish to use the free speech argument only when it suits them.
I do realize that fredom of speech is a good thing, but then again it could be hurtful. If a book like that is written in a fictional context but written well enought hat what the characters ae explaining seem real, and people start to believe the lies within the books, it is very difficult to counter those lies, especially when you get close-minded people eblieve the first thing they hear about something, and wont hear arguments against it no matter how ridiculous their position seems.
I know this as a fast, as I have a friend who once he’s set on someting, will never change his mind and will do anything to prove you wrong.
Ugh. I completely disagree with this banning, or any banning of books. Free speech should be a fundamental principal of our society as a global community.
I agree with you. But with freedom comes responsibility. Had the author stated that it was merely a fictional book on the cover, everything would be fine and dandy. But, no, he pretends to say that it’s a factional story.

One is free to speak even lies, but we have the right to know that. And when someone has a right, someone else has a duty. If the author fails to be responsible, why not use laws to enforce our right to truth? I don’t advocate banning, just demanding that a warning be added that it’s fiction.
As bad as Dan Brown’s book is, banning it is not the answer. Educating people on the truth is the best way and promoting good books like The Di Vinci Hoax by Sandra Meisel and Carl Olson is a start.
Well I know in our Western sensibilites most of us hate the idea of banning books but Lebannon is not the United States people.
Its a polticical minefield of a large Christina minority mostly Maaronites who used to have a large political influence are are rapidly loosing that infulence along with its population to emigration. And it has a majority Mulsim population that has a large remnant hostile to anything Christian or Western they view Christiantiy as a western religion based in Rome and the Vatican and the popes as an evil institution responsible for the Crusades and the murder of many Muslims.
The Davanic code plays into the theory that the Church in Rome and the Papacy is a fraudulant evil institution which uses its politcal powers to spread lies and lies steals and murders people to keep its powers.
Things like this can only encourage Muslims with suspicions of the catholic church to hate her and her members even more. The Maronite Catholic Christians have a hard time there already they don’t some phony book like the Davanci Code to attatch them futher they alerady have to deal with the Quran. In this case and with the cirmcustances in some parts of Catholic hating Lebannon saying no to this book might be the proper thing to do. Beleive me they aren’t missing out on much anyway.
Just a question. With all the controversy surrounding the Da Vinci Code, is Opey (Ron Howard) still considering directing the movie, or has he reconsidered?

I haven’t heard that he may have reconsidered, I’m just hoping he does.
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