Dear friends,
A few days ago I bought a book entitled *The Da Vinci Hoax, Exposing the Errors in the Da Vinci Code *by Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel.
I would love to discuss the book with people who already read it or are planning to read it. So far I can’t put it down even though I’m busy preparing my lesson plans for my students.
The Introduction of the book was written by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago. I would like to quote from his introduction and see how you might react to them,
“It matters what we read, what films and television shows we watch. If we feed our minds on error, we risk loosing touch with the truth about who we are and how we ought to live.” (page 11)
Wow, I really meditated on these words. I find them to be so true. In our contemporary society we say, “I’m free to read and watch whatever I please” yet the Cardinal reminds us that if we do that, we risk losing touch with the truth.
What do you guys think? Do you think in a free society we ought to read and watch whatever we want, or does our condition as Christians require that we be more critical or what we read and watch?
I will, later on, be quoting from this book to elicit discussion and hopefully for us to learn something from this book.
A few days ago I bought a book entitled *The Da Vinci Hoax, Exposing the Errors in the Da Vinci Code *by Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel.
I would love to discuss the book with people who already read it or are planning to read it. So far I can’t put it down even though I’m busy preparing my lesson plans for my students.
The Introduction of the book was written by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago. I would like to quote from his introduction and see how you might react to them,
“It matters what we read, what films and television shows we watch. If we feed our minds on error, we risk loosing touch with the truth about who we are and how we ought to live.” (page 11)
Wow, I really meditated on these words. I find them to be so true. In our contemporary society we say, “I’m free to read and watch whatever I please” yet the Cardinal reminds us that if we do that, we risk losing touch with the truth.
What do you guys think? Do you think in a free society we ought to read and watch whatever we want, or does our condition as Christians require that we be more critical or what we read and watch?
I will, later on, be quoting from this book to elicit discussion and hopefully for us to learn something from this book.