The Da Vinci Hoax

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Dear friends,

A few days ago I bought a book entitled *The Da Vinci Hoax, Exposing the Errors in the Da Vinci Code *by Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel.

I would love to discuss the book with people who already read it or are planning to read it. So far I can’t put it down even though I’m busy preparing my lesson plans for my students.

The Introduction of the book was written by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago. I would like to quote from his introduction and see how you might react to them,

“It matters what we read, what films and television shows we watch. If we feed our minds on error, we risk loosing touch with the truth about who we are and how we ought to live.” (page 11)

Wow, I really meditated on these words. I find them to be so true. In our contemporary society we say, “I’m free to read and watch whatever I please” yet the Cardinal reminds us that if we do that, we risk losing touch with the truth.

What do you guys think? Do you think in a free society we ought to read and watch whatever we want, or does our condition as Christians require that we be more critical or what we read and watch?

I will, later on, be quoting from this book to elicit discussion and hopefully for us to learn something from this book.

Antonio 🙂
In other words, culture matters. It shapes our view of the world more profoundly than we’d like to admit. Garbage in, garbage out.
In other words, culture matters. It shapes our view of the world more profoundly than we’d like to admit. Garbage in, garbage out.
And that is precisely what I try to teach my students. They are oblivious to the fact that the culture around them has had a profound effect in their way of thinking, in what they value, and in what they don’t value.

Moreover, they think because we live in a free society, we should be able to read and watch anything we like, not understanding that we, as Christians, have a duty to protect our spirituality from those things that would pollute it.

The very fact that The Da Vince Code has become acceptable to even Catholics, already tells me many Catholics do not understand that they have an obligation not to allow certain ideas to pollute their spirituality, or to undermine an already weak sense of spirituality.

Antonio 🙂
I’m about a third of the way through this book and am finding it a good read. I’ve read the novel and two other books on the subject, as well as several related articles.
What do you guys think? Do you think in a free society we ought to read and watch whatever we want, or does our condition as Christians require that we be more critical or what we read and watch?
I think the answer is both, with the second question qualifying the first. All people, especially Christians, should be discerning in what they read. There are different levels to this:

A) We should avoid materials that have no redeeming value and do not not improve us as persons. It goes without saying that this includes pornography, negative or cynical “humor,” or gratuitous violence and depicted cruelty. There is no reason a person should imprint garbage on their consciousness.

B) Even for material that doesn’t fall into these extreme category, not everything licit is profitable. Just because something is popular, readable and entertaining, doesn’t make it true or even beneficial to read (or watch). This is where critical thinking comes in and where the consumer must use prudence and discretion to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Case in point is the Da Vinci Code. Should people be forbidden to read it? Of course not. Should certain impressionable people (the young and/or undereducated) be discouraged from reading it in a vacuum? Most definitely. Should it be allowed to stand on it’s own merits and be unchallenged as “only a book” though it is full of lies and distortions presented as misleading facts, albeit in a fictional form? Definitely not.
the garbage we feed our minds and hearts is at least as damaging than garbage we feed our bodies. The same society that somehow has federal judges striking down porn filters in public library computers in the name of free speech, demands all kinds of sanctions against people who smoke, drink, eat carbs, eat fat or violate the health mantra of the month. They recognize the truth that garbage intake damages the person ingesting it and has social consequences to the larger society. Why do they fail to make the same analogy with music, film, books and other messengers of pop culture?
I’m about a third of the way through this book and am finding it a good read. I’ve read the novel and two other books on the subject, as well as several related articles.

I’m just beginning to read it.

I think the answer is both, with the second question qualifying the first. All people, especially Christians, should be discerning in what they read. There are different levels to this:

A) We should avoid materials that have no redeeming value and do not not improve us as persons. It goes without saying that this includes pornography, negative or cynical “humor,” or gratuitous violence and depicted cruelty. There is no reason a person should imprint garbage on their consciousness.

In full agreement 🙂

B) Even for material that doesn’t fall into these extreme category, not everything licit is profitable. Just because something is popular, readable and entertaining, doesn’t make it true or even beneficial to read (or watch). This is where critical thinking comes in and where the consumer must use prudence and discretion to separate the wheat from the chaff.

In full agreement 😃

Case in point is the Da Vinci Code. Should people be forbidden to read it? Of course not. Should certain impressionable people (the young and/or undereducated) be discouraged from reading it in a vacuum? Most definitely. Should it be allowed to stand on it’s own merits and be unchallenged as “only a book” though it is full of lies and distortions presented as misleading facts, albeit in a fictional form? Definitely not.
The problem is to find out who the uneducated are. A lot of people say that Americans are highly educated and I believe that to be true. However, we are highly educated in our own careers, such as law, or medicine, or other careers. In the area of basic catechesis or theology we are very ignorant, and a book like The Da Vinci Code can cause great damage to the faith in readers such as these.

Antonio 🙂
the garbage we feed our minds and hearts is at least as damaging than garbage we feed our bodies. The same society that somehow has federal judges striking down porn filters in public library computers in the name of free speech, demands all kinds of sanctions against people who smoke, drink, eat carbs, eat fat or violate the health mantra of the month. They recognize the truth that garbage intake damages the person ingesting it and has social consequences to the larger society. Why do they fail to make the same analogy with music, film, books and other messengers of pop culture?
Your question is excellent! Parents allow their kids to hear the most degrading lyrics without any constraints. Many teenagers and adults watch movies that can’t possibly build their character or spiritual lives. Go into any bookstore and you’ll find plenty of objectionable material to read. If people were more discerning and critical in their reading, I would not mind them facing such negative material for they would know what to do with it. As far as pop culture, well, just look at who is famous singing or acting in movies. MTV is a prime example of a corruptor of minors.

Antonio 🙂
Like a number of posters I have read a few articles about the Da Vinci Code and have read Olsen and Meisel’s book. I have also read Amy Welbourne’s book. The problem is, I think, the articles and books refuting the rubbish in the DVC are preaching to the converted and won’t be read by the people who need to read them.

We should make ourselves familiar with the refutations so that we can tell people about the inaccuracies in conversation. Our Sunday Visitor has put out a very simple tract which could be put in the pamphlet racks in church. If I was going to pass on any book I would and have done so with the Amy Welborn book because it is more user friendly than the Olsen and Meisel book. The O and M book I intend to use as my main reference when I speak to people. 🙂
Like a number of posters I have read a few articles about the Da Vinci Code and have read Olsen and Meisel’s book. I have also read Amy Welbourne’s book. The problem is, I think, the articles and books refuting the rubbish in the DVC are preaching to the converted and won’t be read by the people who need to read them.

We should make ourselves familiar with the refutations so that we can tell people about the inaccuracies in conversation. Our Sunday Visitor has put out a very simple tract which could be put in the pamphlet racks in church. If I was going to pass on any book I would and have done so with the Amy Welborn book because it is more user friendly than the Olsen and Meisel book. The O and M book I intend to use as my main reference when I speak to people. 🙂
You are correct, therefore had I been Olson or Miesel I would have published the book with Random House rather than Ignatius Press to get a much wider audience. Having said that, I must tell you that I did not but Olsen’s book from a Catholic religious book store. I actually bought it at Borders!

Antonio 🙂
Antonio B:
You are correct, therefore had I been Olson or Miesel I would have published the book with Random House rather than Ignatius Press to get a much wider audience. Having said that, I must tell you that I did not but Olsen’s book from a Catholic religious book store. I actually bought it at Borders!

Antonio 🙂
I am reading the DaVinci Hoax right now, and I also purchased it at Borders.

However, how do you know that Random House didn’t reject the book? I am an aspiring writer and although I haven’t tried to publish a novel yet, I know that the world of publishing is pretty cutthroat and just as “liberal” as the rest of the world. Some publishers may look at refuts to DVC as being…well…not money makers…and other publishers may view it as a good debate and a way to make lots of cash. The authors could also have been under contract with Catholic publishers (ie Ignatious press) and may not have been free to submit to other sources.

I have not researched this issue as applicable to this particular book, but for those not familiar with publishing…it’s not easy.

I would fall over dead from joy and shock if Ignatious press were to publish one of my works as publication alone is a GREAT BLESSING.
Most of the people that we will have occasion to discuss the DVC may never read a complete refutation like the the DVH. Most of our chances will come in chance encounters or casual conversation.

The point of being well read on the topic is not to be a walking encyclopedia on the subject, but to be able and confident enough to present the key objections to the novel in a way that throws the listener into enough of a cognitive loop that doubt about the claims of the novel are placed in their minds. Get them to stop and thing critically about one or more assertions of the book that they have come to accept without question.

It is only after you have made them realize that what they have read may be, in fact a misrepresentation of the facts that they may be willing to look at a more in depth examination.
I bought my copy of The Di Vinci Hoax at Barnes and Nobles. I’ve read it a couple times and like previous posters find it to be an excellent read. It cites reference after reference (over 500 in total) in refuting Dan Browne’s ludicrous novel. I’ve read The Di Vinci Code and felt that I needed to so that I can have initial credibility with the people I know I will be dialoguing with on this subject. Now I have a comfortable feel for all the major areas of refutation. This subject will continue to be a topic of conversation for the next year or two because of the impending movie version of this story set to come out in 2005. So many people (including “practicing” Catholics) have bought into Browne’s ridiculous re-treaded ideas that it will indeed be a challenge to change some minds. I think in general the average person doesn’t feel comfortable or qualified in historical matters so most people won’t even question the veracity of a story like Brownes’. However, if they don’t seek out the truth, their faith will often be shaken by his claims - we need to somehow reach out to those people and point them to the truth.
I am reading the DaVinci Hoax right now, and I also purchased it at Borders.

However, how do you know that Random House didn’t reject the book? I am an aspiring writer and although I haven’t tried to publish a novel yet, I know that the world of publishing is pretty cutthroat and just as “liberal” as the rest of the world. Some publishers may look at refuts to DVC as being…well…not money makers…and other publishers may view it as a good debate and a way to make lots of cash. The authors could also have been under contract with Catholic publishers (ie Ignatious press) and may not have been free to submit to other sources.

I don’t know for sure that Random House didn’t reject the book. I know that big publishing houses like liberal books because, supposedly, they sell easily thus making money for the publishing house that publishes a book, but many conservative folks like Larry Elder and Anne Coulter have been able to publish their books with big publishing houses, thus reaching a much wider readership. The success of these books is also proof that conservative authors are also popular with the public.

Now, if the authors already have a contract with Ignatius Press, then I would understand why they didn’t use Random House or other big publishing houses.

I have not researched this issue as applicable to this particular book, but for those not familiar with publishing…it’s not easy.

I presume you are correct.

I would fall over dead from joy and shock if Ignatious press were to publish one of my works as publication alone is a GREAT BLESSING.
I wish they would. I also would love to see more Ignatius Press books all over the Religion section of Barnes & Noble and Borders!

Antonio 🙂
Most of the people that we will have occasion to discuss the DVC may never read a complete refutation like the the DVH. Most of our chances will come in chance encounters or casual conversation.

I fully agree, but if I find a person who has eaten all the garbage of The Da Vince Code, I will buy The Da Vinci Hoax if such a person promises to read it to see the other side of the coin.

The point of being well read on the topic is not to be a walking encyclopedia on the subject, but to be able and confident enough to present the key objections to the novel in a way that throws the listener into enough of a cognitive loop that doubt about the claims of the novel are placed in their minds. Get them to stop and thing critically about one or more assertions of the book that they have come to accept without question.


It is only after you have made them realize that what they have read may be, in fact a misrepresentation of the facts that they may be willing to look at a more in depth examination.
When The Da Vince Code came out some of my colleagues (teachers) were reading it. I was horrified, so I gave them several articles which debunk the whole book. Some read it, took seriously the articles, and realized what The Da Vinci Code was all about. Some never read the articles because they concluded The Da Vinci Code was the truth and nothing but the truth. Now, how can a Catholic continue to be a Catholic after accepting such lies about the faith?

Antonio :confused:
I bought my copy of The Di Vinci Hoax at Barnes and Nobles. I’ve read it a couple times and like previous posters find it to be an excellent read. It cites reference after reference (over 500 in total) in refuting Dan Browne’s ludicrous novel.

Yes, the refutations are really good, but the fact that so many Catholics would be willing to accept so many lies as history rather than fiction makes me wonder about their intellectual understanding of the faith.

I’ve read The Di Vinci Code and felt that I needed to so that I can have initial credibility with the people I know I will be dialoguing with on this subject.

I didn’t read The Da Vinci Code. I was not willing to spend a cent for Mr. Brown and I’m also a teacher loaded with school work and little time to read, although reading is one of my passions.

Now I have a comfortable feel for all the major areas of refutation. This subject will continue to be a topic of conversation for the next year or two because of the impending movie version of this story set to come out in 2005. So many people (including “practicing” Catholics) have bought into Browne’s ridiculous re-treaded ideas that it will indeed be a challenge to change some minds.

Yes, the movie is coming and millions will swallow its lies, and that includes millions of Catholics worldwide. The Church has a major problem in its hands with this book.

I think in general the average person doesn’t feel comfortable or qualified in historical matters so most people won’t even question the veracity of a story like Brownes’. However, if they don’t seek out the truth, their faith will often be shaken by his claims - we need to somehow reach out to those people and point them to the truth.
Correct. I’ve been trying to reach my students. It’s an irony. Most students don’t read a pamphlet, let alone a book, yet, these same kids have read The Da Vinci Code, precisely the type of book that will challenge whatever type of faith they have. Of course the book is devastating to their faith because they are completely unprepared to challenge its lies.

Antonio 🙂
I didn’t read The Da Vinci Code. I was not willing to spend a cent for Mr. Brown and I’m also a teacher loaded with school work and little time to read, although reading is one of my passions.
I read the novel, but I didn’t buy it. I borrowed it from the local library (They have a dozen copies. Even so I had to be on a waiting list for more than a month). The book is written at such a sophmoric level, it was an easy read; without straining, it took me three evenings. I did it as a sacrifice because I knew I would be engaging people on this issue and the first question they ask is “Have you read it?” I think a person’s credibility does suffer if he attempts to refute something he hasn’t seen. In some cases this isn’t possible because it would be an occasion of sin (like watching pornography to refute it, or even spending money to buy the DVC). Reading the DVC was an annoying sacrifice, but it wasn’t sinful. If a person innoculates themself thoroughly by reading, say, Amy Welborn’s book before holding his nose and reading the DVC, they are that much more in a position to provide credible witness against it.
Antonio B:
A lot of people say that Americans are highly educated and I believe that to be true. However, we are highly educated in our own careers, such as law, or medicine, or other careers.
This is very true.

And often an expert ion one field is used as crddibility for someoutlandish claim in another field.

We must be aware that a doctor of Internal Medicine is not an expert in Ancient History, for example.
In the area of basic catechesis or theology we are very ignorant, and a book like The Da Vinci Code can cause great damage to the faith in readers such as these.
Sadly, this is very true.

For those who accept the Code’s claims, I challenge people to offer the historical proof.
  • That Jesus was not considered divine until that Council
  • That Jesus was married to Mary M.

I bought my “DaVinci Hoax” from right here: Catholic Answers. And received a free copy of their Special Report (which is available online here:
No, I haven’t read the DVC ( I do plan on it), but this is what I do not like about Dan Brown. When the book first came out, it was a book a fiction and Dan Brown talked about it being a book of fiction. However, once the controversy started, now he protrays it as a book of fact. In this regard he is so much like Michael Moore. Michael Moore said in one interview, how his film F 911 is a documentary, yada, yada, yada, however the film is " just my opnion"
My questions for these two is simple: Is the DVC a work of fiction or fact?
Is F 911 a documentary or an opinion piece?

You can’t have it both ways.
A co-worker and I discussed this a little at work today when he came into the lunchroom where I was reading on my break.

He commented that it was one of the most intelligent things I could do and revealed that he’d been surprised at how many of our fellow employees had been taken in by the lies.

Now, I respect this particular person for a few reasons:
  • he used to teach theology, albiet as a Protestant
  • he also admitted he was a "once saved always saved “nut” and went around trying to convert everyone, especially Catholics. (He is an ex-Catholic. However, he learned that this is not the way to get converts, and even though he is still Protestant he sees Catholicism as a valid religion and has not once tried to convert me…only encouraged my ongoing study.
  • when I told him, knowing full well that he left the Church, that those who do so only do so because they don’t understand their faith. He flinched, but did not respond. I sensed a grain of…well…understanding there.
  • I have learned things from him regarding the Bible and they are not contrary to Catholic teaching.
And now I respect him more because we see eye to eye on Church history as portraid in the “Hoax” rebuttal. I look forward to more discussions with him, and then hopefully discussions with people who have swallowed the lies without thinking critically.

DVC is a call to action, folks. Satan may get a foothold, but he’ll never climb the ladder. Through the grace of God we can put this dragon of a story back where it belongs, and when we do so can you imagine the number of people who come to Christ?
A co-worker and I discussed this a little at work today when he came into the lunchroom where I was reading on my break.

He commented that it was one of the most intelligent things I could do and revealed that he’d been surprised at how many of our fellow employees had been taken in by the lies.

Now, I respect this particular person for a few reasons:
  • he used to teach theology, albiet as a Protestant
  • he also admitted he was a "once saved always saved “nut” and went around trying to convert everyone, especially Catholics. (He is an ex-Catholic. However, he learned that this is not the way to get converts, and even though he is still Protestant he sees Catholicism as a valid religion and has not once tried to convert me…only encouraged my ongoing study.
  • when I told him, knowing full well that he left the Church, that those who do so only do so because they don’t understand their faith. He flinched, but did not respond. I sensed a grain of…well…understanding there.
  • I have learned things from him regarding the Bible and they are not contrary to Catholic teaching.
And now I respect him more because we see eye to eye on Church history as portraid in the “Hoax” rebuttal. I look forward to more discussions with him, and then hopefully discussions with people who have swallowed the lies without thinking critically.

DVC is a call to action, folks. Satan may get a foothold, but he’ll never climb the ladder. Through the grace of God we can put this dragon of a story back where it belongs, and when we do so can you imagine the number of people who come to Christ?
I shall reply tomorrow to your message, I do appreciate your contributions.

Antonio 😃
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