I want to better familiarize myself with the less-than-pleasant parts of Church history, but I’m not sure where to find even-handed accounts. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Ah yes, the wealth of the Church…as well as the events that spurred Martin Luther’s 95 theses, particularly his questioning of a new basilica being built with the money of the poor rather than the wealth the Church had already amassed…
I seriously doubt you’re going to find a resource that treats “…periods of widespread corruption” with anything like even-handedness, because probably no such thing exists or can exist. I do not consider myself a historian, though I have read a lot of history, and one thing one finds over and over again is that when one finds a period in which corruption or insoucience toward the poor was very serious in one place and/or among one group, it was not the same with everyone or everywhere.My apologies. I should have been more specific. I’m not talking about the times of persecution, but neither am I talking about the more popular myths (Crusades, Inquisitions). Rather, I am curious about periods of widespread institutional corruption.
What sparked my curiosity here was reading about Victor Hugo’s criticisms of the Church–namely, that the Church in France was, in his time, indifferent to the oppression of the poor by the monarchy–as well as the events that spurred Martin Luther’s 95 theses, particularly his questioning of a new basilica being built with the money of the poor rather than the wealth the Church had already amassed.
I am curious as to whether there are any reliable historical accounts of Church “politics”, for lack of a better term, throughout history, and whether and to what extent such charges have held true throughout the ages.
Ooo. I haven’t considered these writers. Bookmarking your suggestion. Thank you very much (if you’re still around; this is an old thread).I also recommend the letters of St. Peter Damien, St. Bernard, and St. Vincent de Paul who all write about the corruption of their times, and who all worked against it.
I second that, I would check out Vericast if I were you. I would also check out the YouTube channel “Sensus Fidelium”, there’s some content on things like the French Revolution, and recorded sermons by very faithful and orthodox priests.I would look up Vericast.net they could be helpful
Well said, well reasoned. Though I would consider the historical standards of the time perhaps a little more closely than mere dismissal.If you want to do research, make sure that you find non-biased sources. Failing that, try to find sources from both sides.
For example, say you wanted to look up the Blood Verdict of Verden. Some sources side with Charlamange (“In 782, Charlamange executed 4500 Saxon Rebels for the crimes of Oathbreaking and Treason”) while other sources side with the Saxons (“In 782, Charlamange murdered 4500 Innocent Saxons for worshiping their own Gods”). If you look at both, you can form your own opinion of the events.
Remember Remember Remember to pay close attention to the details. If an analysis of The Crusades leaves out atrocities committed by one side or the other, or if it glosses over important factors, than you might need a new source.
In the battle for learning, generalizations are your worst enemy. If possible, look at things from a case by case basis. Some Templar Leaders were kind, some were cruel. If looking at things from a case by case basis is impossible, then preface statements with “in general” or “in the majority of cases” or “often” to avoid sounding absolute.
Credibility is important. A College Professor knows more about The Conquestadors than a Blogger.
Finally, remember that Morality is Universal. A general who tells his soldiers to rape, murder, and rob the civilians of a captured enemy city in 200 BC is as evil as one who did so today. It won’t seem like “acceptable practices for the time” to those on the receiving end, and it certainly won’t be enough to save Boudicca or Genghis Khan from the lake of fire.