The Devil and Father Amorth on Netflix

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I just became aware of this film. Watched it last night and was curious to get everyone else’s take. I DID do a search in forum but the only topics were closed. Now that it’s on Netflix I thought maybe a few more would have seen it.

I thought it was rather extraordinary that not only did the Vatican allow an exorcism to be recorded but they allowed witnesses to speak about their experiences. Isn’t that rather unorthodox?

The explanation in the film is that this was allowed as a form of proselytisation and I suppose I can understand the mentality, people these days tend not to believe in evil.

What was most striking to me was that in the end the boyfriend of the possessed woman did not want the tape released, even going so far as to threaten to kill the film makers if they released it and the possessed woman, speaking as the demon, wanted the tapes released. Desperately so. Perhaps to try and 'prove their power"? Seems to me demons are quite prideful things.

I, of course, believe in evil and exorcisms and all that but I ALSO believe sometimes we misattribute to possession what can be legitimate mental illness (and vice versa).

I enjoyed that the film spoke to neurosurgeons and psychiatrists (although the psychiatrists cracked me up because they were unwilling to make any definitive statements one way or the other). To them it seemed that because demon possession is experienced worldwide in all kinds of religions that it is a human mental illness and to me it seemed because it was experienced in that way it’s just further proof it’s real. LOL.

Generally with these kinds of films I experience a great deal of anxiety but this film didn’t bother me in that way. I found it informative and, in a way, comforting. They interviewed Archbishop Barron who was quite frank in that he would not be a good exorcist. And they did speak to Father Amorth prior to his passing - he seemed a very lovely man (although a bit reckless with the thumbing his nose at devil and etc).

Is it normal for 9 or more exorcisms to be required before someone can be liberated though? Perhaps I just have my info all wrong but that seemed quite excessive.
Father Amorth is a bit of a controversial character. His books about being an exorcist are interesting, but in the past there have been other clergy on here who have taken some issue with what he had to say. Some have questioned his purported number of performed exorcisms as being a physical impossibility for him to have done so many.

I would suggest if you are truly interested in the subject of Catholic exorcism, you read and watch sources from a wide variety of exorcists rather than just Fr. Amorth. There are a lot of exorcists out there who are often interviewed for an article about their work.
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Oh! I have done. Which is why I found the filming so bizarre.

When I joined the Church I had had a lot of … experiences and I needed to understand how to relate them to my new Catholicism. 🙂 Learned a lot of interesting stuff but oddly never heard of Father Amorth in the process.
We have an exorcist in our diocese so I actually just focused on his writings. I’ll have to read up on Father Amorth before I consider reading his work.
Your diocesan guy is probably much more down to earth.

I would suggest you also check out Monsignor John Esseff. He was an exorcist for the diocese of Scranton, PA for over 40 years. He was also a spiritual protege of St. Padre Pio. His writings and talks are fascinating.
It often takes multiple exorcisms to free a possessed person. Some cases go on for years.
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