The division of Christianity

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First, I don’t know if this is the right section for this thread. I excuse myself if that is not the case.

My “problem” is apparently simple. I am a cradle Catholic who became an atheist, the usual trajectory, and came back recently. I’m reading a lot, of every denomination. My struggle is with the Orthodoxy/Catholicism subdivision, the absurdity of it. In the year of the Lord 2020, there exists two Apostolic Churches on Earth who both claims to be the only one real Church and that the other is a den of heretics. Arguments between exponents of said Churches can go on forever, tirelessly, uselessly. Both parties have convincing arguments and too many biases; I am myself more a fan of Eastern mysticism than the legalism of Scholasticism (that too often sadly overshadows our history of mysticism and monasticism - as Thomas Aquinas wasn’t himself a monk in the first place) but it really seems that Jesus gave a special role to Peter and hence, to Rome.

I am writing a lot, please excuse my prolixity. The point is, this contrast is driving me a bit mad in my regained, yet very frail, faith. We know there is only one truth, yet both parties think they are unquestionably right in their assertion of truth. What if I am somehow wrong, and being a Catholic, outside the true Church founded by Christ? No, citing Fathers of the Church solves nothing because they all wrote before the schism! And the stern, excessive severity of Tridentine Church was a (necessary) reaction to the Reformation, an historical reality that can’t be ignored; furthermore, they weren’t concerned with the East in those times, as the poor guys were falling to the Turks and geopolitical irrelevance.

Is the situation of Christians today similar to that of the Israelites in Jesus’ time, being subdivided in Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Ellenists etc.? Many sect, one law one Covenant and one God; many interpretations, the same texts and the same Patriarchs. Maybe it doesn’t matter as long as one believe in Christ: after all the Lord himself, when he came, didn’t make distinction between persons on the basis of their presumed knowledge, but judged the hearth of every man. Because otherwise, God left us adrift in a mess, and atheists who scorn at the division of Christianity would be right.

I am not searching for arguments in favor of Catholicism. I know them all at this point. Saints, miracles. The point is in the division itself! It makes our faith less credible. How to accept that we are so divided, yet Jesus spoke of only one Church? With atheism and moral relativism spreading as the default mindset of learned people, a world sliding into instability, confusion of doctrines and malpractices in our Catholic Church itself (to not mentions the many problem Orthodox themselves are facing…).
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, there exists two Apostolic Churches on Earth who both claims to be the only one real Church and that the other is a den of heretics
Catholics wouldn’t make that claim about the Orthodox. Also, you’re forgetting the Assyrian Church of the East
Eastern mysticism
Me too, that’s why I sometimes go to a Byzantine rite Catholic church
And the stern, excessive severity of Tridentine Church was a (necessary) reaction to the Reformation, an historical reality that can’t be ignored
No one said otherwise
furthermore, they weren’t concerned with the East in those times, as the poor guys were falling to the Turks and geopolitical irrelevance.
No argument there
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The scripture foretold the divisions and said why they must be: For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. (1 cor 11:19)

In the midst of all the division God will manifest who are approved. It’s like the rebellion against Moses, where the Israelites split into groups to show who they supported, and by killing the evil ones God showed who He supported and who He hated. This must be. That is how we accept it

wheat and tares trust God!

addendum: think also of how many of our dogmas and teachings were defined, first the Church was split and heretics came and challenged us, and then we triumphed and were shown approved by destroying and condemning the heresy. This has happened countless times. trust God!
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Well, it doesn’t seem the case. Catholicism is still kept together by the Pope, but marred by many, many problems. Its very much fragmented in itself, between traditionalists, reformists/liberals and some strange subcategory of growing importance like the flock of people who follow religiously the Marian apparitions of Medugorje without the Church having a clear idea of what to do about it (I know a lot of them). Those latter people nurture bizarre ideas like the existence of ten secrets to be revealed in the future written on a special ink, etc. It’s quite a cult, but a Catholic one, and it’s enormous.
The Orthodox Church was always divided, it lacks a Pope and a Seat, but the same it works well and continue to gain people, and it survived a century of communism - an incredible feat in itself. One could say that God rescued and protected it from destruction, not punished.

Protestant Curches are of course a mess, but they do not claim to be The One, so it is a separate discourse.

That’s why it’s all so disarmingly complex. One would really wish for Jesus to come soon and sort it all out.
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I am not searching for arguments in favor of Catholicism. I know them all at this point. Saints, miracles. The point is in the division itself! It makes our faith less credible. How to accept that we are so divided, yet Jesus spoke of only one Church? With atheism and moral relativism spreading as the default mindset of learned people, a world sliding into instability, confusion of doctrines and malpractices in our Catholic Church itself (to not mentions the many problem Orthodox themselves are facing…).
The answer is that man is sinful. It is that simple. God doesn’t say the Church will be free from sin. He does provide us his word to correct and reprove the Church, and he has sent his Son (the Word Incarnate) that those of the Church may be forgiven of sins and reconciled to one another through the reality that we are justified by grace through faith, not by our own holiness or righteousness. We all stand on equal footing before God, as sinners who have been declared righteous on account of Christ shedding his body and blood for us. Eventually, the unity that can be found only in Christ and his Word will be restored. Pray that it happens soon.
How to accept that we are so divided, yet Jesus spoke of only one Church?
Human free will. Jesus did not promise impeccability in this life. What is comforting is that in Heaven, all are one communion of saints.
…One would really wish for Jesus to come soon and sort it all out.
Matthew 3
11 I am baptizing you with water, for repentance, but the one who is coming after me is mightier than I. I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the holy Spirit and fire. 12 His winnowing fan is in his hand. He will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”
but marred by many, many problems. Its very much fragmented in itself
True of almost any institution where human beings are involved.
but the same it works well and continue to gain people
Also true of the Catholic Church and some others.
Protestant Curches are of course a mess, but they do not claim to be The One
Some of them (in fact, many) certainly do make that claim. But, I agree, leave that to another discussion.
That’s why it’s all so disarmingly complex. One would really wish for Jesus to come soon and sort it all out.
I think down deep we all take it for granted that we, you and me personally, are readier for that return visit than we really are…and that Church disunity would be the biggest problem He would be responding to.
them all at this point. Saints, miracles. The point is in the division itself! It makes our faith less credible. How to accept that we are so divided, yet Jesus spoke of only one Church?
Jesus spoke of wheat and tares growing together, of good fish and bad fish being gathered together in the net. The faithful must persevere, endure to the end and not fall away. The angels will separate them in the end.

If you want to know the true from the false, then know them by their fruits.

As you state @SombreMind, the Catholic Church has saints, miracles, historical continuity, more to attest to its veracity and fruitfulness. “To whom much is given, much is required.”
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One problem is that the Roman Catholic Church today won’t budge from its teaching on the universal jurisdiction and supremacy of the Pope, whereas the Orthodox say that historically the Pope had only a primacy of honor.
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There’s only one possible way to resolve your dilemma, by finding the Church with an ancient lineage to the beginning of our faith that acknowledges the absolute necessity for a one-stop sort of place where the buck must infallibly stop on doctrinal matters, and then unashamedly admits to being that Church. Jesus only established one Church. And that Church referred to possesses the only position that can possibly guarantee a unity of beliefs.
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