They did a nice job with their video. I heard a young woman say she was drawn to their order after seeing and reading about them. You never know who you will touch with these videos, surely not complete but gives laity a glimpse that some orders are florishing. My priest mentioned a few Dominican orders doing well (with priests also) and Sisters of Life. I could tell many were surprised. I don’t think you need commericals but there is no harm in making yourself known. Many wont have vocations but may be able to help in other ways.
They did a nice job with their video. I heard a young woman say she was drawn to their order after seeing and reading about them. You never know who you will touch with these videos, surely not complete but gives laity a glimpse that some orders are florishing. My priest mentioned a few Dominican orders doing well (with priests also) and Sisters of Life. I could tell many were surprised. I don’t think you need commericals but there is no harm in making yourself known. Many wont have vocations but may be able to help in other ways.