Can you tell me where in the Acts of the Apostles, or in the letters that tells us how to deal with a certain person in the community that is doing something wrong or committing a sin, but in denial. I read something in the New Testament long time ago, I just couldn’t remember where. Something like, we have to confront the person and if he/she still does not believe he/she is doing something wrong, that we should bring this person out to the community and let them know what’s going on…I’m not sure how it goes, could you help? We have a storm (trouble) right now at our parish. Some parishioners are picketing, and created a division among ourselves. Some are in the middle and yet, some doesn’t care. Just like a human body, this person is a vital part of this BODY, that has a virus or a cancer. And this virus has spread to almost all parts of this body (the church). And of course, the Bishop doesn’t want to get involve…
So, God help us and Bless us,
jesse b.
So, God help us and Bless us,
jesse b.