The end of the world?

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Massive earthquakes, massive tsunamis, 60 beached whales in a month…

These things all make me wonder if the world is ending. Not to mention the legalization of gay marriage in Canada and the non-stop murders due to abortion, the lack of decency and self-respect that today’s youth embody, and the wars going on everywhere in the middle east.

I’m sure there could be a thousand reasons why this doesn’t mean the end of the world…but it makes me wonder…

what do you think?
It may be or it may not be the end of the world. BUT ARE YOU READY. The world may not end but you might. Have you developed a personal relationship with Christ? Have you embraced him and sought His forgiveness? Go to confession and make sure you are ready in case you life ends before the world.

God Bless you,
I think that is why it kinda scares me…I don’t think I have…I’ve been trying, but…I don’t think I’m trying hard enough. Kinda strange.
Really it’s not as hard as one would think.
  1. Pray hard and ask the Lord into your life.
  2. Actually open your heart and let him in.
  3. Repent of your sins and believe in Him and all he has to say and all he has done.
  4. Stay in constant fellowship with Him.
  5. Receive Him in the Eucharist as much as you can.
  6. Never stop seeking his guidance. (read the bible)
God Bless you and remember, we are here for each other.
One must take into account the fact that natural disasters have occured throughout time. Terrible floods, earthquakes, volcanos, tornados, hurricanes…etc, are nothing new. Even a slight upswing in frequency should be considered statistically.

I wouldn’t suspect that God is simply going to turn up the volume knob on natural disasters to make a point. I’d think he’d let us know it was Him loud and clear. Just my 2 cents.
Though these things make me wonder if the end of the world is near, I go back to what the pastor of my parish in Fresno, CA often said. (I am paraphrasing, I can’t remember his exact words)

It does not matter if you die as a part of the whole world dying at once or your own personal death, you still need to prepare for that possibility.

From that point on, the “end is near” scares did not bother me. Also, even in my relatively short 36 years on earth, I have heard “end of the world” warnings several times. So far, we are still here. That can change tomorrow, I admit that. I could also face my own death tomorrow too.
There have been a number of times when end of the world was considered imminent by many. Two of them were the turn of the millennium a thousand years ago and also around the turn of the century 100 years ago. I believe the plagues brought that feeling about.


These things happen and will happen. I really don’t think too much is different now than in the past.

The one thing that makes me think that the second coming is not quite around the corner is that the gospel has not yet been proclaimed throughout the “whole world”. I think that is a prerequisite.

God Bless Jim
There have been a number of times when end of the world was considered imminent by many. Two of them were the turn of the millennium a thousand years ago and also around the turn of the century 100 years ago. I believe the plagues brought that feeling about.


These things happen and will happen. I really don’t think too much is different now than in the past.

The one thing that makes me think that the second coming is not quite around the corner is that the gospel has not yet been proclaimed throughout the “whole world”. I think that is a prerequisite.

God Bless Jim
With the advent of the Internet, it is not fair to say that the Gospel has not been proclaimed to the ends of the Earth. The problem nowadays is people blocking the message e.g. Islam. For instance on the Maldives (Hit by the Tidal Wave), you are not even allowed to take in a Bible for your own use.

In the west, the secular press block all proper Catholic teaching by hook or by crook. Also, few Catholics actually preach the full Gospel i.e. 50% Mercy, 50% Justice. We mainly only ever here the good bits akin to universalism (Everyone is saved). How can people truly repent in this environment.

This is where calamities can help, they can get us all praying (especially for those who perished) and focusing on the value and uncertainty of life. No bad thing.

I believe these evvents are all part of God’s plan. Interestingly, this “Act of God” event over XMAS was predicted on this forum on 20 Dec 04. When it happened the thread was removed on 26 Dec 04. I am not alowed to discuss it due to forum rules.

Needless to say, Christ will come again as Judge and before then there will be many calamities in the world. This and the 4 Hurricanes in Florida are not ordinary. There have been many “Approved” mystic predictions over the past 200 years which indicate we may be in a period of “End Times”. Fatima was less than 100 years ago.

For instance - Sr Lucia of Fatima is still alive. Why?

I agree for the converted, end of the world stuff is not an issue. We must always be ready, but for the lukewarm and non-believers it does give them a chance to truly repent before they meet the King of Kings in judgement and not through his mercy.

God bless and let us allpray for the poor souls who have been taken by surprise.
to me it means the birth pangs and they do seem to be increasing in number and intensity.

there is a country song called Mayberry that has a line in it that’s kinda deep. it links the natural disasters to the fast pace of life being lived by more and more of the human population.

on the other hand Jesus said that when we hear of wars and rumors of wars the time is not yet.
Dear friends

The Hour Of Darkness is upon us. It was upon us from the moment of Christ’s Acension into Heaven and therefore any time after that is the end times.

The Hour of evil ever closens thereafter. There is no light without the Lord and His light is in the world and nothing shall overcome it. Scripture says it , itself.

Today in this time, the devil is having a huge field day and evil is rife. Who knows the end of days but the Father? no-one but the Father knows not the day or the hour.

Stay awake and read the sign of the times, stay fast in what you know is truth and live by the light and the truth, which is Christ Jesus, and all these things will be of no worry to you. These things will come to pass and you must not be afraid. All things are ordained in Him and all things will pass as quickly as they came but a trial in life, fleeting in eternity, and those who suffer bear the crown for eternity. Nothing is to be feared because He went there before you. The hour and the night, the lost and the found, the darkness and the light. Darkness cannot overcome nor prevail and is nothing to be feared, though it will come and work many things against humanity and work many signs magnificent is…nothing.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

It may be or it may not be the end of the world. BUT ARE YOU READY. The world may not end but you might. Have you developed a personal relationship with Christ? Have you embraced him and sought His forgiveness? Go to confession and make sure you are ready in case you life ends before the world.
THAT is really good advice. Who knows WHEN the world will end? None of us! We DO know, though, that OUR lives will end - for sure - perhaps, this very day.

As for prophecies about the “end of the world” - these have been endlessly done from Our Lord’s time:

Here are just a few “failed prophecies”
Disasters are not new. Jesus mentioned that a tower had fallen on some people. The world will go on until Jesus is “All in All.” I would imagine all on these boards will be long gone before that happens.

Deacon Tony
Deacon Tony560:
Disasters are not new. Jesus mentioned that a tower had fallen on some people. The world will go on until Jesus is “All in All.” I would imagine all on these boards will be long gone before that happens.

Deacon Tony
Dear friend

You may imagine but you do not know, none of us know. One thing is for sure, the world ends for us when we die and this is the main thing to fix our minds, hearts and spirits on by living daily as best as we can in God’s love in preparation for our own death.

Everyone ponders the end of the world and we all wonder about it. Jesus has given us certain signs and says when you see these things happening you know that the time is near and He is at the gates, especially in the Gospel of Matthew. We see some signs because we are living in the end times, even still we do not know the hour and cannot predict it. Only God the Father knows.

There is a stern warning in Revelation to John not to add to the prophecies there. I am wary of any prophecy about the end days and trust in the Lord and His Providence.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

God does not leave His friends out in the dark when it comes to the important events to come. He told Noah to build an ARK. He gave Job the forsight to say " I shall see my vindicator in the flesh". All of the deciples of Elijah knew the time of his going to Heaven and said to his servant Elisha, do you not know that this day your master is going up to heaven?
When I was only three years old God began to tell me the story of “The King’s Highway”.
We often see God in the simple things of life such as a sun rise or sun set or striking white cloud formations or the beauty of each season.
Even from outer space Michigan can be seen as a right hand and oh what great secrets she holds. The journey from the left foot of Indiana needs a upper room experiance, that is why 120 is the last highway you cross on 69. Many do not get the story of why God caused Indiana to tell the story of mankind’s journey through trying to earn heaven, to excepting the free gift that Jesus gives us, but that’s OK because eye has not seen and ear has not heard. Somethings especially the trully great mysteries are hid from the learned and well eduacated and given to the simple with child like faith.
I began to look at other churches but saw that they do not see the truth about Holy Eucharist or The Blessed Virgin Mary as our Spiritual Mother.
The King’s Highway is so very Catholic.
In the right hand of Michigan is a giant cross of Highways 46 horizontal and 27 vertical. The Old Testament was a world of mankinds trying to be God and it left us in a Horizontal world and this Highway 46 begins at Apple Ave… Highway 27 however joins the highway of a Man and a Woman 69 at Fort Wayne near the Mary and Joseph Rivers where 30 goes over and 33 goes under because Jesus at age 30 went over this world to preach of a New Kingdom in Heaven and at age 33 went under death “Highway 930 is a symbol of Adam’s legancy of death” to swollow it up in victory.
Hkighways 69 and 27 join and pass 94 because 94 years before the end of the 4th millenia of Adam’s race Jesus passed the torch to the Church. In Lansing, the land sings, because Jesus came the first time 127 years before the end of the 4th millenia and the Grand River is wraped around the heart of the city and from our bellies will flow rivers of living water. Above the Looking Glass River because he will come again 27 years before the end of the 2nd millenia of the great comission 2033, in 2006 because as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man “Noah’s days were complete 2006 years after the first Adam.” Noah’s Ark was a symbol of Christ and His Church that would be preserved from the Judgement to come on the earth in the last days.
The protestant church looks at the Old Testament record as only 39 books and a sign is also given in the State of Wisconsin where it looks like a left fist and 39 is a virtical Highway and 27 is a black line on the left side of the state. In the last judgement God will put the “wisk on sin” indeed as the goats are put in his left hand.
God Bless
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