Just read the blog, Maria-Christi, and the statistics are worrying, but as your husband said, not surprising.
Some time ago Pope Francis said about the fact that the Church is not just all about “tea and biscuits”. I’d noticed the same problem up to then. And your husband eloquently highlighted this point. It seems to me that he is right. We are not in Heaven yet and are behaving as if we can just carry on with jumble sales and little meetings of five people to gossip. We have to do more. In my diocese I think our Bishop is trying. But I think the Church is limited by the diocese in many respects. They are made up of well-intentioned people but the administrative processes are SO slow that it makes for evangelisation from a by-gone age.
And of course this can then supress the spirit of individuals who get frustrated and leave due to having given up trying. The blog speaks about the need for spiritual warfare. The problem is that many don’t believe in it. And I have no idea why. It even seems as if authority in the Church doesn’t take this seriously. There are next-to-no spiritual directors. Religious don’t even know what spiritual direction is! This lack of concern ripples through uncomfortably to the laity. Again, it’s all tea and biscuits! The blog content is correct: The enemy is forming. satan has made himself known in the places he is at work - both inside and outside the Church. And the laity need to be treated as if we are not stupid and that we also have in us the Holy Spirit and are useful. I say, enough of elitism in the Church; instead, more “formation” - as said on the website - and more community projects. People of all ages, both genders, any background, situation, any nationality, any level of skill - from academic to learning disabilities etc…can all, appropriate to their level of expertise, have a go at expressing their faith, within the love of the Holy Spirit, as a unified whole.
The references to Ephesians could not be better suited to the subject.
Thank you for this excellent thread. And link to the informative blog.
The statistics are scary but as said on the blog: it is not over yet. They could be worse. Your husband should do the same profile in the U.K! He would get a shock.
God bless, Maria-Christi!