From Tom Ambrose’s column:
On Sunday, the Associated Press reported that six Episcopal priests in Connecticut may be removed as rectors of their parishes by their bishop because they have actively opposed the election of the first openly “gay” bishop, Vickie Gene Robinson of New Hampshire.
Bishop Andrew D. Smith said in letters sent to the priests that they had “abandoned the communion of the church,” which would mean the priests would no longer lead their parishes. The priests could later be defrocked.
Apparently, the six churches had the audacity to try to “break away from Smith’s authority and be supervised by another bishop.” One of the priests being threatened, the Rev. Christopher Leighton, has referred to the threat as “spiritual gag orders.” He was further quoted as saying:
The real story is our freedom to speak and our freedom to practice our faith is what is being inhibited …
On Sunday, the Associated Press reported that six Episcopal priests in Connecticut may be removed as rectors of their parishes by their bishop because they have actively opposed the election of the first openly “gay” bishop, Vickie Gene Robinson of New Hampshire.
Bishop Andrew D. Smith said in letters sent to the priests that they had “abandoned the communion of the church,” which would mean the priests would no longer lead their parishes. The priests could later be defrocked.
Apparently, the six churches had the audacity to try to “break away from Smith’s authority and be supervised by another bishop.” One of the priests being threatened, the Rev. Christopher Leighton, has referred to the threat as “spiritual gag orders.” He was further quoted as saying:
The real story is our freedom to speak and our freedom to practice our faith is what is being inhibited …