Essence literally to be, is the one element about some thing that if it were changed the thing would cease to exist. For example enlightenment ideals such as Laissez-faire economics were the position of the Left against the Right’s defense of monarchy. Those positions have inverted and now the Left are the statists against the Right’s defense of individual liberties. While these political positions have changed, the Left and Right have never lost continuity.
Ideology as I use it here, is a sort of axiomatic premise held with conviction that may even seem to be innate to the holder. It is an overarching view (the root of idea is to see) of the world through which all other ideas and events are filtered, colored or judged. It is the greater ideology through which lesser ideologies are subjective. There is the idea that is influenced, there is the idea that influences. This relationship can occur at many levels. To find it’s essence we seek to find that highest level of idea which no other idea influences … or a first principle. The true essence will be able to explain this ideological hierarchy, not only of current political positions, but also the evolution of these ideologies’ expression through history. Here are the essences:
***The Right seeks principled means. The Left seeks perfect ends. ***
The Rightist first principle can express itself in the chivalric code (family, nationalism) or in adherence to religious principles (regardless of whether man created God, or God created man, God embodies our highest principles), or most recently in the principles of individual liberty.
The Leftist first principle has expressed itself first in the enlightenment, then romanticism (the reaction against the enlightenment’s child - industrialization), then anarchism - communism - socialism - all different paths to utopia, and all using principles only as ad hoc means to an end. Bentham’s utilitarianism is the clearest statement of this ends orientation.
Ideology as I use it here, is a sort of axiomatic premise held with conviction that may even seem to be innate to the holder. It is an overarching view (the root of idea is to see) of the world through which all other ideas and events are filtered, colored or judged. It is the greater ideology through which lesser ideologies are subjective. There is the idea that is influenced, there is the idea that influences. This relationship can occur at many levels. To find it’s essence we seek to find that highest level of idea which no other idea influences … or a first principle. The true essence will be able to explain this ideological hierarchy, not only of current political positions, but also the evolution of these ideologies’ expression through history. Here are the essences:
***The Right seeks principled means. The Left seeks perfect ends. ***
The Rightist first principle can express itself in the chivalric code (family, nationalism) or in adherence to religious principles (regardless of whether man created God, or God created man, God embodies our highest principles), or most recently in the principles of individual liberty.
The Leftist first principle has expressed itself first in the enlightenment, then romanticism (the reaction against the enlightenment’s child - industrialization), then anarchism - communism - socialism - all different paths to utopia, and all using principles only as ad hoc means to an end. Bentham’s utilitarianism is the clearest statement of this ends orientation.