The Eternal Battle Between Good and Evil

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Excerpts from Phil Brennan’s current column:

"The case of Terri Schiavo is another episode in the ongoing war between the children of light and the children of darkness, a titanic cosmic struggle that dates back to the very beginning of time.

So, too, is the unspeakable killing rampage in Minnesota where teen-aged Jeff Weise gunned down his grandfather and his grandmother and eight other victims at his high school.

It is a struggle often referred to in the Essenic texts in the Dead Sea Scrolls as the war between light and darkness, described in the New Testament and attested to by scores of scholars and holy men and women since the time of Christ.

This struggle is real. It is the battle between good and evil and it is being waged today on a host of fronts, many of which involve the burning political and social issues of our times.

At its roots it is a war between the truth and the lie. Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” Answers EWTN’s Father John Corapi, "Truth is not a thing, it is a person. And His name is Jesus Christ."

The same may be said of evil: It is not a thing, it is a person. And his name is Lucifer.

n his “Satan’s Battle Plan for the Third Millennium,” published in ENVOY magazine in January 1997, Dr. Peter Kreeft ghostwrote an imaginary speech for Lucifer where the devil outlines his strategy in the war:

"Step 1: The summum bonum, the ultimate end, is to capture souls.

"Step 2: A powerful means to this end is the corruption of society. This works especially well in a society of conformists, of other-directed people. After all, a good society is simply one that makes it easy to be good, to use Peter Maurin’s words. Our version is also true: a bad society makes it easy to be bad. Has there ever been a time when we’ve made it easier for humans to be bad?

"Step 3: The most powerful means to destroy society is to destroy its one absolutely fundamental building block, the family, the only institution where most of them learn life’s most disgusting lesson, unselfish love.

"Step 4: The family is destroyed by destroying its foundation, stable marriage.

"Step 5: Marriage is destroyed by loosening its glue, sexual fidelity.

"Step 6: Fidelity is destroyed by the Sexual Revolution.

“Step 7: The Sexual Revolution is propagated mainly by the media, which are now massively in our hands.”

"Make no mistake about it: We are witnessing in our times what may well be the final struggle between good and evil. Lucifer is real, and Lucifer is the personification of evil. Our choice of sides will determine our future, in this world and in the next.

In making that choice it is imperative that we recognize who and what we face in this battle between good and evil. The enemy is Satan and those useful idiots who promote his agenda. They are his allies, and our enemies."
Outstanding and true,

I love the philosophical breakdown in order, it’s so accurate.

Whether this is the “final struggle” or not, if only the preachers would cut through the chase and preach this age old, present reality, plainly from the pulpit.

Let us pray for holy priests on fire for the Kingdom.
Outstanding and true,

I love the philosophical breakdown in order, it’s so accurate.

It reminded me of a sermon (excuse me, it’s homily these days), our old pastor used to give as we approached the end of our high school days. He reminded us that our lives “go bad” not in one instance, not in one week, but for most us in piecemeal fashion. Bit by bit, step by step, we take “the other path” and one day find that our steps have led us to where we never dreamed we’d be.
It reminded me of a sermon (excuse me, it’s homily these days), our old pastor used to give as we approached the end of our high school days. He reminded us that our lives “go bad” not in one instance, not in one week, but for most us in piecemeal fashion. Bit by bit, step by step, we take “the other path” and one day find that our steps have led us to where we never dreamed we’d be.
Been there,

What a good analogy, it realy does apply to the entire culture/nation. Our founding fathers would not be happy campers if they could see all of this abomination.

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