The Evangelization Of Hollywood?

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Anyone that watches TV today knows that Hollywood and it’s actors, singers, rockers, writers and producers are in great need of the Catholic Church and it’s teachings.

We see so many cradle Catholics out there such as Madonna, John Travolta and Tom Cruise stray from their faith and into the rather bizzare world of Kabbala or Scientology. Others, such as Lindsey Lohan, Brittany Spears, and Paris Hilton , along with their “people”, all need to hear the true words of God, yet I have to ask, where is our Church? Why does Kabbala and Scientology, among others, reach out to these people, yet our own Church seems to do little?

We live in a star struck society where these folks are idolised and in a way worshiped. I can only imagine the impact that turning a Tom Cruise or a Madonna back to Catholicism, or helping and even converting Brittany Spears to Catholicism would have on our religon and faith in this country. It could make Catholicism “cool” once again, and make so many that look up to these people look to our faith for their own lives.

So where is the Catholic Church in Hollywood?:confused:
Anyone that watches TV today knows that Hollywood and it’s actors, singers, rockers, writers and producers are in great need of the Catholic Church and it’s teachings.
I have visited Hollywood on many occasions & have seen with my own eyes the wickedness that is fostered there. If San Francisco/Oakland is modern Sodom & Gamorrah then Hollywood would be modern Jericho. It’s walls of deception need to be torn down.
We see so many cradle Catholics out there such as Madonna, John Travolta and Tom Cruise stray from their faith and into the rather bizzare world of Kabbala or Scientology.
1 Tim 4:1-2 “Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the last times some will turn away from the faith by paying attention to deceitful spirits and demonic instructions through the hypocrisy of liars with branded consciences.”
Others, such as Lindsey Lohan, Brittany Spears, and Paris Hilton , along with their “people”, all need to hear the true words of God, yet I have to ask, where is our Church?
These “ladies” need to experience the love of God. Unfortunately, they are turning to drug, drink, & sex to fill the void. They have all had estranged relationships with their individual fathers, which is the main reason for their pain & misguided behavior. They need our prayers, as do most 20 something young adults. Teens & young adults are under constant “attack” by the princes of Hollywood.
Why does Kabbala and Scientology, among others, reach out to these people, yet our own Church seems to do little?
2 Tim 4:1-2 “For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths.” Literally “with itching ears”. It’s so much easier to believe the lies than submit to the truth. The Church does reach out to them, they have rejected Her.
We live in a star struck society where these folks are idolised and in a way worshiped. I can only imagine the impact that turning a Tom Cruise or a Madonna back to Catholicism, or helping and even converting Brittany Spears to Catholicism would have on our religon and faith in this country.
I’d love to see that as well, but many times a repentant sinner is not always welcome with open arms, especially among “catholics”…I speak from personal experience.
It could make Catholicism “cool” once again,
“as it was in the beginning…” The first 8 centuries of our Church were the “coolest”, as She was still living in the fire of Pentacost.
A renewed spirit of Pentacost is upon us now, yet many “catholics” are still living in the dark ages…spiritually I mean.
and make so many that look up to these people look to our faith for their own lives.
The Holy Saints are our “rock stars”, that we look to for inspiration…or at least that’s how I see it.
So where is the Catholic Church in Hollywood?:confused:
She is there, but her words sometimes fallon deaf ears. In many circumstances it’s difficult for God’s word to penatrate the wickedness of the people under the influence, or “protection” of the evil one, see Daniel 10:12-14. God’s love will conquer all in His time. We pray that all sinners may be given a repentant heart.
The Church (insitution, clergy, consecrated, and laity) need to always evangelize as it is our earthly call to be instruments that the Holy Spirit can utilize to bring people to Christ. And, as Scripture says, we need to do it first and foremost to those with whom we are close (relationship as well as proximity). Finally, we need to do it out of concern for their personal souls.

Jimcav, I say all that because I think there is something implied in your first post- We need to evangelize stars as they will help lead others to Christ. I think that is backwards or misguided. Just as the Church shouldn’t focus its efforts on the rich so the Church will get their donations, I don’t think they should evangelize so they can “use” stars to attract others. Day by day, person by person, we just need to spread the Good Word wherever we are in our lives. We are to converse and leave the converting to the Holy Spirit.

I will probably never have a chance to evangelize a star. If you know someone (regardless of their economic, social or professional status) who you believe you can be an effective instrument, you are called to do it. If they happen to be a star, so be it. But your concern should be only one thing- bring this person to Christ and not an ulterior motive to “use” them. They will see thru you and you will become an impediment to the Holy Spirit and not an aid.
Jimcav, I say all that because I think there is something implied in your first post- We need to evangelize stars as they will help lead others to Christ. I think that is backwards or misguided. Just as the Church shouldn’t focus its efforts on the rich so the Church will get their donations, I don’t think they should evangelize so they can “use” stars to attract others. Day by day, person by person, we just need to spread the Good Word wherever we are in our lives. We are to converse and leave the converting to the Holy Spirit.

I will probably never have a chance to evangelize a star. If you know someone (regardless of their economic, social or professional status) who you believe you can be an effective instrument, you are called to do it. If they happen to be a star, so be it. But your concern should be only one thing- bring this person to Christ and not an ulterior motive to “use” them. They will see thru you and you will become an impediment to the Holy Spirit and not an aid.
Does the Catholic Church not try and evangelize as many poor people across the world as we can? Is not the primary job of a missionary to convert as many people to Christianity as possible? If the answer is yes, than we must treat those in Hollywood like a missionary would, convert, convert, and convert some more! It would be the most important missionary job in the Church because the implications of ignoring these people could lead to the very downfall of us as a civilised nation.

Hollywood is not there to entertain us anymore, it’s there to destroy us, destroy our value system, our beliefs, our religon, and our rights. It is destroying our youth today with the endless violence, porn, and vulgarity. Listen to the stories of what the producers and actors of the movie Bella have seen and heard in Hollywood. It’ll make your blood boil! There is a reason these Catholic gentlmen took the risk of leaving Hollywood. Our church cannot ignore this menace and all the implications it has for our society. We must reach out to these people before they take everything we hold dear, yet I see and hear nothing from our Church on this ever growing problem. They surely aren’t blind to it, and surely they see Scientology, Kabbalism and other modernist spirituality hog wash reaching these people, so again I ask why not the Catholic Church? If ever there was a cause for it to take on, it is Hollywood

PS -Nice post RoyJr. I appreciate you backing up my emotionalism with biblical fact!😃
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