Anyone that watches TV today knows that Hollywood and it’s actors, singers, rockers, writers and producers are in great need of the Catholic Church and it’s teachings.
We see so many cradle Catholics out there such as Madonna, John Travolta and Tom Cruise stray from their faith and into the rather bizzare world of Kabbala or Scientology. Others, such as Lindsey Lohan, Brittany Spears, and Paris Hilton , along with their “people”, all need to hear the true words of God, yet I have to ask, where is our Church? Why does Kabbala and Scientology, among others, reach out to these people, yet our own Church seems to do little?
We live in a star struck society where these folks are idolised and in a way worshiped. I can only imagine the impact that turning a Tom Cruise or a Madonna back to Catholicism, or helping and even converting Brittany Spears to Catholicism would have on our religon and faith in this country. It could make Catholicism “cool” once again, and make so many that look up to these people look to our faith for their own lives.
So where is the Catholic Church in Hollywood?
We see so many cradle Catholics out there such as Madonna, John Travolta and Tom Cruise stray from their faith and into the rather bizzare world of Kabbala or Scientology. Others, such as Lindsey Lohan, Brittany Spears, and Paris Hilton , along with their “people”, all need to hear the true words of God, yet I have to ask, where is our Church? Why does Kabbala and Scientology, among others, reach out to these people, yet our own Church seems to do little?
We live in a star struck society where these folks are idolised and in a way worshiped. I can only imagine the impact that turning a Tom Cruise or a Madonna back to Catholicism, or helping and even converting Brittany Spears to Catholicism would have on our religon and faith in this country. It could make Catholicism “cool” once again, and make so many that look up to these people look to our faith for their own lives.
So where is the Catholic Church in Hollywood?