The EXISTENCE of God, Heaven, Hell, ect

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As we believe that God, Heaven, Hell, ect. exist, *where *exactly do they exist? Here’s some conclusions I came up with;

*Heaven and Hell take up the same space as (and around) earth, Hell being in the core and Heaven in the clouds, but the reason we can’t see them is because they (and God) exist in different dimensions, and that’s the reason they’re invisible?

*Hell exists in the core of the earth while Heaven takes space beyond the universe (still in different dimension).

*While Hell exists in a different dimension in the core, Heaven is a physical place beyond the universe and too far beyond what the Hubble Space Telescope could view.

Any insights on where God, Heaven and Hell actually exist?
Heaven is definitely spatial since there are spatial objects there - the bodies of Jesus, Mary, Enoch, and maybe some others. But Heaven isn’t in our space-time - no spaceship could travel there, even in theory, nor could a telescope see Heaven. It must exist in a different dimension, a different space-time (or maybe just a different space, since it’s unclear if there is time in heaven or if it is all outside of time). As for Hell, well it’s a little trickier because we don’t know if any spatial objects are in Hell like we do in Heaven. but I would guess Hell is also in a different dimension, so to speak. It’s not under the earth’s crust.
All of this speculation is unnecessary. It is the equivalent of mythologizing.

God is transcendent. What may make sense to us now will not matter when we see the Face of God.

Answers to this question would require an entire year in a Univ. Class. Are you looking for the quick form of answer?
I think those are good descriptions of Hell but I dont think we can or would want to fully comprehend hell.

I see people on my nieghborhood on Drugs. They cant barely think or function. They need to do whatever they can to get hi and than 15 minutes later they are back in withdraw. To me that is what hell must be like. Except there is no 15 minute intercession in hell.
Yes, Hell could and probably does exist in and around the core of the earth; it takes up the same space but the reason it’s invisible is because it exists in a different dimension.
Do you think that houses, roads, trees are in heaven? Angels, God and souls ARE SPIRITS. Heaven is Spiritual. You can’t say WHERE heaven is. God is in heaven, we are taught that God is a Spirit. He has no flesh or bones, for goodness sakes. Purgatory and hell are also Spiritual. Spirits have no deminsions, so you cannot say where they are.

We are also taught to believe that the body of Mary was assumed into heaven, not just her soul. Where is her body now?
Do you think that houses, roads, trees are in heaven? Angels, God and souls ARE SPIRITS. Heaven is Spiritual. You can’t say WHERE heaven is. God is in heaven, we are taught that God is a Spirit. He has no flesh or bones, for goodness sakes. Purgatory and hell are also Spiritual. Spirits have no deminsions, so you cannot say where they are.
I seriously did not mean to make these subjects sound materialistic as you’re assuming it to be. Since these places exist I’m just giving some views of where and somehwhat *how *they exist. I did not hint any physical, earthly objects or places, so I don’t know where you got that assumption from. I believe the spirit realm is something that should be thought of, included in the big picture of our Universe.
As we believe that God, Heaven, Hell, ect. exist, *where *exactly do they exist? Here’s some conclusions I came up with;

*Heaven and Hell take up the same space as (and around) earth, Hell being in the core and Heaven in the clouds, but the reason we can’t see them is because they (and God) exist in different dimensions, and that’s the reason they’re invisible?

*Hell exists in the core of the earth while Heaven takes space beyond the universe (still in different dimension).

*While Hell exists in a different dimension in the core, Heaven is a physical place beyond the universe and too far beyond what the Hubble Space Telescope could view.

Any insights on where God, Heaven and Hell actually exist?
It is a fundamental tenet of Christian faith that nobody has ever seen God but that we can affirm His existence as normal sight affirms the existence of tangible objects.

As no words or no ideas can reach a true expression of Love/God as an experience (perhaps the poetic expression comes closest),we settle for descriptions below Divine Nature and reduce the Infinite to the definite for our convenience,hence heaven and God are rendered into tangible existence out of intellectual neccesity.

The Spiritually mature recognises that the Eternal encompasses the temporal,God encompasses man and the familiar sayings of our Christian contemplative heritage but many choose to remain with the more familiar conceptions of heaven and God and this is fine also.

In short ,the answer to your question can be read without being fully comprehended but I’m sure the more you read Christian thoughts on the matter the more you will appreceate just how rich and dynamic Christ and Christianity is -

Btw,you are using modern definitions of space,dimensions ect and if you investigate the conceptual basis for their use in terms of early 20th century physics you would be shocked at the total lapse in reasoning which allowed these ‘theories’ to snowball.

We are also taught to believe that the body of Mary was assumed into heaven, not just her soul. Where is her body now?
We cannot now know, and no-one has the ability to comprehend these things. If we knew all of these things, it wouldn 't be Faith any longer, it would be knowledge.

Remember that when Christ returned to us he had (in some way) a glorified body. Somehow different, and yet the same. People (like the two on the road to Emmaus) did not immediately recognize Him, and he passed through walls.

His body at the Transfiguration was glorified as well. At that moment Moses and Elijah appeared, from where, and to where did they return?

The point is these things are beyond our comprehension, our speculation on these matters will make use of nothing more than our own imaginations! We are not capable of understanding this. Everything actually necessary for our salvation has been revealed, the rest we will know in our own day of glory.

I am reminded of the Prayer to God the Father in the Divine Liturgy (this is said by the priest over the holy gifts):
  • It is fitting and right to sing to You, to bless You, to praise You, to give thanks to You, to worship You in every place of Your Dominion : for You are God, beyond description, beyond understanding, invisible, incomprehensible, always existing, always the same; You and your only begotten Son and your Holy Spirit. Out of nothing you brought us into being, and when we had fallen you raised us up again; and You have not ceased doing everything until you brought us to heaven and graciously gave us Your future kingdom. For all these things we thank You, and Your only begotten Son and Your Holy Spirit; for all these blessings, both known and unknown, manifest and hidden that were lavished upon us…*
Groups like the Jehovah Witnessses think they have the answers to the unanswerable questions, they search the scriptures continually and patch together “New Light” out of wildly disconnected fragments out of context. All to satisfy the very human need for answers to the unnecessary.

Our focus should be on how to be pleasing to God, to love and serve Him, to stand in awe in His Presence, nothing else is important.

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