The Exodus Decoded (Biblical Conspiracy Documentary) | Timeline

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The Exodus. The very word invokes an epic tale of Pharaohs and Israelites, plagues and miracles, the splitting of the sea, the drowning of an army, Moses and revelation. The story is at the very heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

After six years of research, working with archeologists, Egyptologists, geologists and theologians, Simcha Jacobovici came to the groundbreaking conclusion that the Exodus took place hundreds of years earlier than previously thought. With this new timetable in hand, Jacobovici and his colleagues re-examined long ignored archeological artifacts and uncovered the truth about the Exodus and the Egyptian dynasty that ruled at the time.

The producers teamed up with some of the world’s most accomplished special effects designers to create a unique digital, organic experience of the Exodus. Blending archeological findings with modern eye catching effects, Jacobovici built a virtual museum to showcase his discoveries.
I couldn’t find a thread on this, so created a new one.

I just finished watching this. It’s very compelling, especially since seeing articles stating that there is no archeological evidence showing that the Jews were enslaved in Egypt and fled to the Promise Land as depicted in the book of Exodus.

This documentary provides evidence of why that is probably the case.

Anyway, I’ve known for a long time now that the Cecil B. Demille’s movie, “The Ten Commandments,” was a literal interpretation created in Hollywood.

This documentary if accurate, which believe is more true, that God uses his knowledge of nature(after all He created it) and reveals what is going to happen as he did for Moses.

Anyway, watch the documentary in the link, it;s about an hour long
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Simcha Jacobovici
Not that compelling.
Jacobovici claims that the word Ahmose can be understood as ‘brother of Moses’. This however is incorrect, as actual hieroglyphics in the pharaoh’s name read Yahmes . ‘Ahmose’ is a mangled obsolete misreading of the name, still used traditionally. Yahmes has nothing to do with Hebrew Ah Mose , and means ‘born of Iah’ or ‘Iah is born’. Iah is a lunar deity and is also written as Yah, Jah, Joh or Jah(w) .
And yet, aside from Simcha Jacobovici’s investigation, there is no archeological evidence that the Jews were ever enslaved by the Egyptians nor did Pharaoh allow them to flee.

Interpretations vary and Simcha Jacobovici’s so far is the most compelling for me.
Don’t get me wrong. he makes some good points in the documentary, especially concerning the lack of more archaeological evidence. Of course on the Egyptian side they would make sure that the story not be recorded, as it would be a national embarrassment.
I found Exodus Decoded pretty interesting in explaining how Moses lead the people out of Egypt across the “Reed Sea”. The explanation of the how the plagues fell upon the Egyptians was good up to the last one which was the death of all the first born Egyptian babies. Unfortunately, what turned me off from anything that Simcha Jacobovici portraying was an episode of his Naked Archeologist show that explained “giants in Genesis”. Great documentary until he says that “the angel went into the earthly women” was really early Homo sapiens having intercourse with Neanderthals. His explanations started sounding like explanations given by the Jesus Seminar people (who showed how miracles performed by Jesus could be explained in normal everyday ways; basically, Simcha doesn’t believe in real miracles just coincidences). Now if you want to hear or read some more interesting Bible proving archeology experiences, listen to Michael Heiser. He also translates the early Aramaic scriptures and even some Sumerian cuneiform to give some really sound archeological explanations of the Bible stories. Be aware though, he does have a Protestant slant to his findings.
Having seen actual miracles myself, I can say they didn’t take place with lots of glory and exceptional events. In all cases, they happened so naturally, that few who were around them noticed that a miracle had just taken place.

To me, God works with nature and the events as told in Scripture, especially in the Old Testament were told according to the level of intellect and knowledge the authors had at that time. Often, the stories like in Genesis, were taken from oral traditions over 500 years before being written.

It be akin to St John witnessing the events in the Book of Revelation. Would he have been able to describe a Blackhawk Helicopter, if that was what he saw, instead of a giant locus with the face of a man breathing out fire ?
Sorry, I still prefer the “lots of glory” miracles like 100’s of people seeing that sun dancing in the sky, the sacred host becoming a precise sliced section of a human heart, or a person whose optical nerve was destroyed in one of their eyes being able to see out of that eye. These are the miracles that have no other explanation to them except God allowed them to be. Don’t get me wrong though, the miracles you are talking about are just as beautiful. Those are the ones when God is whispering and only those who are listening for Him, hear Him. God bless.
See the Jewish World Review article: If the Exodus did not occur, there is no Judaism.
The documentary doesn’t deny Exodus didn’t happen, but archeologist have recently published reports that there is no evidence that it did.

Simcha Jacobovici decided to investigate it and found much to support it, but that the dating of Exodus was 200 years too late. He found that 1500 BC is more accurate and provides much of the evidence to support this including archeological evidence that Jews did in fact live in Egypt and fled from there. He also provides the evidence of what the 10 plagues Moses warned Pharaoh about were.

It may be wrong, but is sure better than that it didn’t happen at all as was recently reported even in Jewish websites.
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