The Family Practice of the Theology of the Body

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One of the main benifits I’ve received since learning about and coming into the Catholic Church is the wonderful teachings on Human Life and the Theology of the Body. These teachings have really helped me to understand my role in my marriage and has help me see myself and my family in a more Godly light.
I hope to encourage more people to learn more, and help me learn more in the processes.

Thoughs :twocents: ?

I also was wondering at what age we should start teaching our Children?
When they are mature enough for it. Varies for every single person.
One of the main benifits I’ve received since learning about and coming into the Catholic Church is the wonderful teachings on Human Life and the Theology of the Body. These teachings have really helped me to understand my role in my marriage and has help me see myself and my family in a more Godly light.
The Theology of the Body is incredibly beautiful and it definitely helps those in the vocation of marriage to understand our connection to Christ. However, I think you should restart your thread with a poll asking how many people even know what the Theology of the Body is. I have not read John Paul II’s writing, only the writings of others’ interpretations. We also had a wonderful priest that gave beautiful homilies on the vocation of marriage, intimacy, and the union with Christ. It is very powerful.
I have been studying JPII’s Theology of the Body for about 2 years now. I joined a group of people who decided to go through the work by simply reading a portion and meeting to hash over what we thought of that particular section. Very Socratic… What has been most surprising is that the process has been less about learning a new dogma or doctrine, but a more transformative process whereby the reading and studying has changed the way I see my body, and more importantly, the bodies and souls of the wonderful women God has graced to pass by my life. We live in a society that worships a selfish and usuary meaning for bodies, and this work is important to take the time to read and absorb.

In reality it is simply and only a deep contemplation of scripture imbued with the Holy Father’s keen personalist philosophy. It is his gift for having insight into the way we tick that is our good Pope’s most endearing quality for me. It is a great gift for the Church that this man should come to the Chair of Peter when the world has subverted the meaning of sex way beyond God’s design.

Do not be afraid to tackle the Theology of the Body, in the Holy Father’s own words. It is dense and intense reading, but greatly rewarding…
I think you should try to integrate the Theology of the Body into what you teach your children from a young age. Not necessicarily telling them everything right away, but there are concepts that you can teach them that they would probably understand. I believe Christopher West said something about that before in something I’ve read. If you wait too long they might get the wrong ideas from somewhere else.
I hear similar comments from people on the “Theology of the Body” that are posted here. However, I can never get a straight answer from anyone on what “Theology of the Body” actually says. So - What have you learned about our bodies from :Theology of the Body" ? (If possible please reference a passage from the text)
I wanted to start a pole but was unsure how to word it :o
Any suggestions?
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