The Father Speaks to His Children

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I recently received a copy of this little booklet, giving the story of Sister Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio,s apparitions and messages from God the Father. I was impressed. Have there been any pronouncements from The Vatican concerning this, does anyone know? Thank you, Crazylady
Conflicting opinions, but the booklet does have an Imprimatur from 1988:

The second link really made me think.
  1. Jesus said that no one goes to the Father except through him, yet here is a message from God the Father that says that anyone who calls Him “Father” even once in his life is spared damnation.
From that site:
If salvation can be achieved by simply saying “FATHER” once in our life time, then we have been deceived by the teachings of Jesus. Nor do we require living faith in Jesus, the Church, or the Sacraments. This is EXACTLY what the messages of Mother Eugenia are implying. Say “Father” just ONCE and your are saved! It does not matter if you are a Catholic or not, you are still saved!
  1. This is what struck me most pointedly - I find it rather incredible that an Italian nun born early in the 20th century would know NO LATIN. How is that possible?

I really don’t know what to think.
Dear friend

I have read this little book you mention. I think it is a beautiful testament to the Father’s love for His children in Christ Jesus.

The passage referred to by the previous poster may seem very difficult for a Catholic to swallow. The Holy Spirit is active outside of the Catholic Church and the Father draws His children to Him by the power of the Holy Spirit, which is Love. No-one can call Jesus Lord without the Holy Spirit, so no-one can call God, Father unless the same Spirit is active in them. This profound profession of faith will not be wasted so long as people come to the Lord as they are drawn.

The whole world is not Catholic. That does not mean that all those souls outside of the Catholic faith are doomed to hell. There is salvation outside of the Catholic faith, though the glory bestowed upon a soul is the obedience demonstrated in life and that obedience arises out of Love.

I have in recent times realised how little God actually does ask of His poor creatures. Having said that, doing the bare minimum is not enough for a heart on fire with love of God, that soul will strive and strive and the reward in heaven will be hundredfold upon hundredfold for what we have given to God here in this life.

‘I have other sheep not of this fold’

Even the soul that only ever in their last breathe whispers ‘Father’ will not die forever, but will have everlasting life, they will have it because God’s Mercy is so abounding.

Faith. That is the word, God sets great and heavy store by faith and a repenting heart that says Father in repentance will see the Father, though His life was as scarlet with sin, this soul repented and speaks the true name of God, ‘Father’. No loving Father turns a child away who is sincere in sorrow and claims the Parentage rightly that should be given to God. We need to look at the parable of the Prodigal Son for this. Heaven rejoices of this soul that finally repents and comes to God and God who is Love lavishes great things upon this poor soul, such is the Love of the Father. We can also look at the Good Thief and see this man wasn’t Baptised, never went to Confession, was a big enough sinner to be crucified for it, he repented at his last hour of life and asked Jesus for mercy by remembering him when He came to His Kingdom and Jesus said ‘This day, truly, you will be with Me in Paradise’

Ultimately we will get reward denari for denari…we live to build our treasure in heaven and that will be given in lavish generosity by God. Pray for this glory for every soul, by which we make a share in Christ Jesus.

The Vatican has not prohibited this publications distribution as it’s in the UK and the USA and many other parts of the world. It has been heavily researched by theologians and there has been found nothing contrary to doctrine in it.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

The book received the IMPRIMATUR from Vicor General Cardinal Canisius Van Lierde, Vatican City, Rome, March 13, 1988.
I saw that it had received the Imprimatur - that’s part of what was unsettling about this for me. Is an Imprimatur a sign that a publication has become part of the Church’s infallible teaching?

I’m trying so hard to do the right things, to study and learn and pray - and yet here’s a booklet that seems to say that none of this is necessary - all I have to do is call on the Father and I will never go to hell.

Your explanation makes some things a lot clearer and I appreciate it.

I will pray for a better understanding.
I saw that it had received the Imprimatur - that’s part of what was unsettling about this for me. Is an Imprimatur a sign that a publication has become part of the Church’s infallible teaching?

I’m trying so hard to do the right things, to study and learn and pray - and yet here’s a booklet that seems to say that none of this is necessary - all I have to do is call on the Father and I will never go to hell.

Your explanation makes some things a lot clearer and I appreciate it.

I will pray for a better understanding.
Dear friend

You are right to study and learn as much about God, mostly I should say by praying, Scripture reading and attending Journey in Faith when it’s running in your Parish (RCIA).

If a person does not KNOW something is a sin, then they are not called to justice for it, but if we know and still we commit that sin and the other two stipulants are there then it is a mortal sin. So if someone just perceives in their spirit, by the grace of God, at some point in their life, that God is their Father then this is the knowledge they possess and if they never have any other knowledge of God than this, they will be called to this gifted faith in God.

As for the soul that knows and believes alot about God, such as a well informed Christian and well cathechised Catholic, then their call is much more complex and they will be held to what they know.

‘To whom much is given, much is required’ (paraphrased as I can’t remember the exact words)

Someone who lives in the middle of nowhere, say a jungle, and has never heard about God will be called to the justice of what they do know or perceive about God. Someone who has heard bits about God and perceives He is Father will be called to the justice of what they perceive about God and someone who knows the Risen Lord Christ Jesus and knows Him in the Eucharist and possess an intimate relationship with Him by His grace is called to the justice of that. God does not call those to a justice that they are unaware of. God is merciful to those who sincerely strive in what they know of God.

Still we must strive to learn about God (we have a duty to form our consciences by the power of the Holy Spirit) and ask for the gift of understanding so that we may love, serve and know Him the best we can by His grace. Everything we know of God in faith is a gift, so we must not waste or shun that gift.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Reliable Catholic Teaching

Imprimatur is Latin for “let it be printed.” When a Roman Catholic bishop grants his imprimatur to a printed work, he assures the reader that nothing therein is contrary to Catholic faith or morals. This imprimatur is not given lightly; only after a thorough review process.

The Vatican has granted this, therefore as a Catholic you can be assured that you will not be mislead, but you are not required to believe it as part of your Catholic faith as it is a private revelation.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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