The first saint of the New World, Saint Rose is the patron of South America and the Philippines

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St Rose of Lima
Celebrated on August 23rd
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

She was born into a moderately wealthy Spanish family in Lima, Peru in 1586. The family lost everything everything when their business failed. Rose worked in the garden all day and sewed at night to help them.

Her parents wanted her to marry, but she refused for ten years. They also would not allow her to let her enter a convent, so out of obedience she continued her life of penance and solitude at home, as a member of the Third Order of Saint Dominic, taking as her model St Catherine of Siena.

Rose is said to have radiated love to all who came to visit her. She was known for her great beauty and gentle nature.

During the last few years of her life, Rose set up a room in the house where she cared for homeless children, the elderly, and the sick.

Rose suffered poor health herself and died at the age of 31. The city turned out for her funeral. Prominent men took turns carrying her coffin.

She was canonised in 1631.
(from ICN)
St. Rose of Lima was the parish I attended as a child, in Chula Vista, CA. Prior to Vatican II. We had moved farther north by then, and started attending St. James by the Sea.

St. Rose of Lima was a beautiful Spanish style church when I attended it, and I’ve seen recent photos of it, and it’s still beautiful, but has expanded considerably.

I had attended Catechism classes in the Catholic School surrounding its courtyard. We had two temperamental priests back then – Father Kennedy and Father Bailey. And, of course, the sisters and lay teachers. I made my First Communion at that parish in 1957.

Our Bishop was Bishop Fury. Prior to him, we had Bishop Buddy, who allowed Bingo games for parishioners, which were later nixed by Bishop Fury. He also nixed the Y.L.I. (Young Ladies Institute), which was the parish organization my mother belonged to. Mama would speak of her activities with “YLI”, and I always thought she was saying “Wild Eye”, and wondered what that had meant.

Oh, to be young again!
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