The forgotten Gospel

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Since true love is unconditional and selfless, true love goes beyond friends and relatives (who are our own, whom we like, who have either helped us in the past or from whom we expect to get something in return). According to Jesus (Luke 6:27-25) we must love our enemy, do good deeds to those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who mistreat us. If anyone slaps us on one cheek, we must let him hit the other one too. We must give to everyone who asks for something; because, God is good to the ungrateful and the wicked. We must be merciful, just as our Father is merciful (Luke 6: 35-36). We must remember that mercy triumphs over law (James 2; 13); and it is mercy, and not sacrifice, that God desires (Matt. 12:7). We must not take revenge on those who do us wrong. If someone takes us to court to sue us for our shirt, we must let him have our coat as well. We must walk an additional mile if the occupation forces ask us to carry their pack for one mile (Matt 5; 39-41). If anyone borrows something from us we must not ask for it back (Luke 6:27-30). We must be willing to lay down our life for others, including for those who cause us grave hurt; just as God in His Divine mercy sacrificed His life for us, although we gravely hurt Him (by our sins).

The above paragraph tells us that, we have to love our enemies by our actions, and to be merciful to them. It further tells us that, we should not offer resistance to injustice. We may think that, if we do not offer resistance to injustice, we might help to increase injustice. In reality however, when we do not offer resistance and offer love instead, we can change the hearts of those who are unjust. Generally people are unjust and selfish, because they are insecure. When we offer resistance, their sense of insecurity increases and they become more unjust. On the other hand, when we do not offer resistance, they do not feel threatened. Their sense of insecurity therefore, diminishes, and they become open to receiving our love. This love then, can change their hearts to make them just people. More often than not, we fight injustice done to us or hurt inflicted to us, by taking revenge and protecting our own interest. This makes us hateful and selfish. On the other hand, when we go out of our way to help our enemies, we cultivate love. When we fight for our rights, self consumes us. This makes us selfish. When we are selfish we remove ourselves from God. This takes peace out of our hearts. On the other hand when we offer love to our offenders, we find peace; because to act in love, is to be in unison with God. Only love can overcome all obstacles and bring true peace, because, God is Love; and nothing is impossible with Him. When we doubt that love alone can solve all the problems in the World, we doubt God.
Well, it would be nice if the rest of the world would come to this realization. I try to let things go when other people wrong me, and it tough (and I’m by no means perfect, far from it), but I do believe that beating people over the head with kindness, even in the face of aggression, can truly solve problems. It has worked for me so often in the past. I wish I could be more consistent about it, but that will take some more practice.

I wish I had more time tonight to write a more detailed response to this. I mean, no offense, you’ve got some good points, but you’re really taking some of this stuff way out of context.
we have to love our enemies by our actions
No. You can simply love them for who they are.
But you don’t have to actively go out of your way to prove it to them right now.
we should not offer resistance to injustice.
That is completely wrong.
And that is, in and of itself, inherently unjust. You should never accept evil.
when we do not offer resistance and offer love instead, we can change the hearts of those who are unjust.
Sometimes. Hopefully. But not always.
Generally people are unjust and selfish, because they are insecure.
Logical Fallacy: Generalization.
That may not always be the case. Your examples are based primarily upon this assumption.
On the other hand, when we do not offer resistance, they do not feel threatened.
No, they just start to feel more confident that what they are doing is the right thing.
More often than not…
Already a logical fallacy right there.
…we fight injustice done to us or hurt inflicted to us, by taking revenge and protecting our own interest.
Well, then obviously that’s not how we should be fighting against injustice.
When we fight for our rights, self consumes us.
No, we fight for the truth. And we can also fight for the rights of others.
When we are selfish we remove ourselves from God. This takes peace out of our hearts.
when we offer love to our offenders, we find peace; because to act in love, is to be in unison with God.
Just because you are resisting an enemy doesn’t mean that you suddenly have to stop loving them as an individual human being. But if they stand for the wrong truth, then you can’t just stand by and accept it either. Fighting and resistance against unjust evil do not intrinsically imply a diabolical hatred for the other person who holds those values. You should certainly continue to love them, as a unique and individual human being intentionally created by God, but the same does not necessarily hold true for their individual moral values.
Only love can overcome all obstacles and bring true peace, because, God is Love
God is a whole lot more than just Love, you know…
When we doubt that love alone can solve all the problems in the World, we doubt God.
What? Logical Fallacy: Victory by Definition. You’re assuming, within this context, that the words “Love” and “God” are completely equal and interchangeable, under all circumstances. Love is certainly an inherent quality of God, but that’s not all there is to Him. Sorry, but no.
I have to agree with our masterjedi, he has used the force well.😃 You are making generalizations and using false logic.

It does not follow that we hate someone, if we resist them. Actually, by resisting evil we show a person what is right and good.

A bully is not always a bully because of insecurities. He could be a bully because of pride or any number of other sins. We have to defend what is right and good. That does not mean laying down on the ground and letting the bully kick us. By defending ourselves or others who can’t defend themselves we defend what is good. We also are fighting evil. It is evil for someone to bully someone else around and beat them up. We do not tollerate evil.
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