You couldn’t get it more wrong. The symbol of the Cross does not have Jesus on it do remind us that not only Jesus died once to clear us from every single sin but also he arose from the grave and now sits at the right hand of God.
Anyway it doesn’t matter what symbol you use. It is not this piece of wood you use as a symbol that is important but the death of our Lord Jesus. Keep yourself away from idols.
Actually, protestants don’t have crucifixes because they wanted to get rid of EVERY holy riminding image that was carved to look like something. Two planks of wood were quilified for them. The crucifix reminds us that Christ went through the WORST way to die back then. It reminds us of how he suffered to save us, and it symbolizes his descent into hell to free those who believed (not the hell of the damned, I mean the “limbo” type of place because heaven wasn’t opened). We do focus on the resurrection. We take 50 days to do that! But there is no resurrection without a crucifixion. The cross doesn’t depict the crucifixion at all, just a cross. I can’t imagine the suffering that Jesus went through when I look at a cross, unless, of course, I invisioned Jesus’ body upon it. Try it some time, try to think about Jesus’ very suffering while he was alive upon a cross and see if you can’t do it without having to invision his body, writhing, bloody, torn up, on the cross. Also, it represents what we must do for him, since he did this for us. No, I don’t mean be crucified on a cross, physically, but spiritually. He told us in the gospels that who holds their family, job, money, house, car, etc., anything above him, their not worthy of him, but he told us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him. Our lives are supposed to be, in a sense, our very own via dolorosa. We have to follow Christ, wherever he would have us go, through suffering, through good times, and even to the end. The crucifix is to remind us that the crucifix itself, represents the end. We must follow him to the point of death for his name. The perfect example of this is the martyrs. Remember, it’s not an idol, it’s a reminder.